Mindy – The Nurturing Center Read Online Paige Michaels

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 35
Estimated words: 33327 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 167(@200wpm)___ 133(@250wpm)___ 111(@300wpm)

Mindy was certain her hair looked even more ridiculous as soon as the rubber bands were removed. It probably stuck out in every direction. She reached up, intent on smoothing it down, but Tricia lowered her hands and cupped her face. “You’re adorable, Baby girl. Even when you’re rumpled.”

Tricia took her hand and led her to the bedroom. “Where are your jammies, Mindy?”

Mindy lifted her gaze to face the woman who was being so kind to her. She hadn’t experienced subdrop before, but she suspected that was what she was feeling. Even though she hadn’t engaged in any kind of impact play, Tricia had guided Mindy through several new experiences that had challenged her and left her with a weird spacy feeling.

Top on that list was Mindy’s first orgasm. Her entire body was still buzzing a bit. Her nipples felt funny brushing against her dress, keeping her aware of her newly awakened sexuality.

“Come on, Baby girl. You’re dead on your feet,” Tricia encouraged as she led Mindy to her twin bed and helped her sit. She strode across the room to the small dresser next and opened two drawers before pulling out a pair of footed pajamas.

Tricia held them up triumphantly. “How about these?”

Mindy nodded.

As soon as Tricia was in front of her again, she set the jammies on the bed and reached for the hem of her dress. “Arms up, Baby girl.”

Mindy shuddered as she let Tricia remove her dress. She felt exposed and so very Little sitting on the edge of her bed wearing nothing but a diaper, shoes, and socks.

Tricia removed the latter first before helping Mindy into the footed pj’s and zipping up the front.

“Can I have panties, Ma’am?” Mindy asked.

Tricia squatted in front of her, putting them eye to eye. “How about if you try sleeping in a diaper tonight, Baby girl? I bet you’ll find it freeing.”

Mindy considered the idea for a moment and then nodded. She could always get up and change after Tricia left. If she wanted. She might not.

Tricia smiled. “Good girl. Let’s get your teeth brushed, and then I’ll tuck you in.” She grabbed her hand again and led her to the small bathroom where she put the toothpaste on Mindy’s brush and lifted it to her lips.

“I can do it,” Mindy declared, reaching for the pink toothbrush.

“I know you can, Baby girl, but let me help this time. Can you open for me?”

Mindy parted her lips and opened her mouth wide. It felt really strange letting someone else brush her teeth but also kind of good. Like someone cared about the details in her life. Her mother had never been as nurturing as what Mindy had experienced for the last several hours with Tricia.

Is this what it felt like to have a Daddy? Did Daddies also take care of all the things Little girls needed? While Mindy rinsed in the sink, she closed her eyes and tried to imagine a Daddy next to her, guiding her, helping her.

Mindy had never had a father. Her mother hadn’t told her much about the man who’d given her Mindy except to point out he hadn’t been worth keeping. For someone who’d spent countless hours ensuring Mindy was her vision of a proper girl and then woman, she’d never married. Mindy remembered her occasionally dating, but she rarely went out with the same man twice and never spoke of her encounters.

Mindy had often wondered if her desire to have a Daddy stemmed partially from the fact that she’d been raised with no male figure in her life. Maybe she craved the kind of doting attention she pictured a Daddy would bestow on his Little girl.

The truth was she hadn’t had a mother who gave her that either, so it wasn’t surprising to find herself easily enjoying every moment of attention Tricia was lavishing on her.

“Come on, Baby girl. Let’s get you tucked in.”

Mindy smiled as Tricia pulled back the covers and helped her climb in. She loved how Tricia thought of everything, including tucking her favorite stuffed tiger in her arms and popping the pacifier she’d given her at the club into her mouth. She even went to the kitchen and returned with a sippy cup of water, which she set on the nightstand.

Mindy had never felt so nurtured and relaxed as she curled onto her side, hugged Tiggy close, and suckled the binky.

Tricia stroked her hair from her face and smoothed it back even though Mindy knew that wasn’t possible. It would be standing in crazy spikes, but for the first time in her life, she didn’t feel as self-conscious about it. Tricia had said it was adorable. Mindy chose to believe those words for tonight.

Tricia sat next to her and patted her hip. “Thank you for letting me take care of you tonight, Baby girl.”


