Mountain Man Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 42
Estimated words: 38490 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 192(@200wpm)___ 154(@250wpm)___ 128(@300wpm)

Or if the safety I’d felt in his presence, the feeling of being protected that had followed me into my dreams, was real. And more, if what I saw in his eyes, the way they made me feel, was more than an anomaly.

I’d got his address from the sheriff the night before under the pretext of sending a thank you note or something. My face blushed at the memory of the almost knowing look he’d given me.

With that thought in mind I did stop off in town and bought him a bouquet of summer flowers. The truth is I chose that particular arrangement because one of the flowers which I was sure was some kind of manufactured cross breed, was the exact color of his eyes; almost.

After leaving the outskirts of town behind I second-guessed myself twice before I reached the turnoff to his place. My heart raced but it had nothing to do with the attack or being this close to the place where it took place.

I didn’t even give that a second thought as I drove down the rugged dirt road. I passed one place that I knew wasn’t it because of the directions from the sheriff, and drove another couple hundred yards until I came upon his place.

I turned the engine off and sat in silent awe. It was beautiful. The cabin was made of logs that had been stained a honey gold that shone in the morning sunlight.

There were huge bay windows running along the front of the cabin, a more than adequate sized front porch with rocking chairs that looked as if they too were honed from the same wood as the structure and the biggest wind chime I’d ever seen hanging by the entrance.

With the backdrop of the mountains and the lake that ran along one side the place was picture perfect. Like a magazine spread. I fell in love with it sitting right there in my car.

Outside the front yard was a perfectly immaculate lawn, trimmed by wildflowers of every imaginable color. Close to the house, just under the windows on either side of the front door, there were rose bushes that were in full bloom.

It was nothing at all like what I would’ve expected of the mountain man or the hot rod I’d met the night before. I had a moment’s doubt that maybe he didn’t live alone and the feeling made me light headed. Why hadn’t I thought of that before coming out here?



I sat still as a stone feeling exposed and vulnerable, until my eyes landed on the flowers and I reminded myself that no one but me knew my real reasons for coming all the way out here. But I could’ve kicked myself for being so hasty.

Figures, the one time in my life I decide to throw caution to the wind. Now that I think of it, someone who looked like him, acts like him, was most probably already taken. The thought was earth shattering and left me feeling lost and disoriented for the barest of seconds.

Then I thought, surely someone would’ve mentioned it if he was married, which started an internal debate with myself. Something else I’m very good at.

Why would they Cassie? What possible reason could anyone have for sharing that information with you? As much as I was beginning to regret my haste in coming out here I didn’t think I could just leave again without knowing.

I made myself get out of the car and looked around since there was no one in sight. I was really wishing that I’d asked someone if he was married before coming out here uninvited. I felt almost naked as I stood in the front yard not knowing what to do next.

Was he even now watching me from the confines of his home? Wondering what I was doing here? And why did my mind choose now to think rationally?

Why couldn’t I have planned more carefully before rushing into things? Something I never would’ve done if I’d been thinking clearly, which I obviously wasn’t and haven’t been since my life took a turn the night before.

Come to think of it, my life has been taking a lot more twists and turns here of late with no rationale for any of it. First, I’d seen or thought I’d seen something on campus a few weeks ago before graduation.

Then the strange hang-up phone calls had started, but I didn’t pay too much attention to that since they’d stopped almost as soon as they’d started. I thought for sure that once I got back to the safety of the small town I’d called home before going away to college that things would settle down again. Nothing remotely dangerous ever happens here after all. And then of course, last night had happened.

I decided to put it all behind me and concentrate on my present issue. Like if the man I’d come here to see was already attached. I thought of calling the sheriff and asking him, but quickly nixed the idea.


