Mr. Masters Read Online T.L. Swan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 141
Estimated words: 141251 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 706(@200wpm)___ 565(@250wpm)___ 471(@300wpm)

“Your itinerary or something,” I splutter, distracted by my wayward thoughts.

He smiles, as if knowing exactly where my thoughts were. “My itinerary is sorted, but thank you anyway.”

I stand and wash my glass up before I turn back to him. “Have a great trip.”

“I will. I’ll call you each day to check on the children.”

Our eyes lock once more, and my stomach dances with excitement that he will be calling me.

Just for the children, stupid, I remind myself.

I smile bashfully, embarrassed that he makes me feel like a giddy young girl.

I don’t remember any man ever making me feel like this. Is there something more going on here, or just wishful thinking on my behalf?

“Goodnight, Mr. Masters.”

He stands, and suddenly we are brought face to face, only millimetres apart. “Julian,” he corrects me.

My heart skips a beat at our close proximity, and I look up into his sexy eyes.

The power emanating from his body is palpable. He’d be so fucking dominant in bed. “Julian,” I whisper.

His eyes drop to my lips.

Oh God, is he going to kiss me?

Do it. Do it.

After a moment, he seems to remember where he is, and he takes a purposeful step backwards, nodding like a gentleman. “Goodnight, Bree.”

“What book do you want to read, Sammy?” I ask as I look over to his bookshelves. It’s 8:30 p.m. and I am sitting on the end of his bed while he dries himself after his bath. Mr. Masters left early this morning and we haven’t heard from him all day. Janine left about an hour ago after cooking dinner.

“I don’t know, do we have to read? Can’t we do something else for a change?” he asks as he pulls on his striped, flannelette pajamas.

“Why, what do you want to do?”

He shrugs. “Watch YouTube or something.”

“We don’t learn much from YouTube, Sam.”

“That’s not true,” Willow calls from her room. “Everything I know I learnt from YouTube.”

“Is that where you learnt to eavesdrop?” I call.

“Funny,” she calls back.

I throw Sammy a wink. “I know, right? I’m hilarious. And I learnt it on YouTube,” I shout.

“Oh God,” I hear her mutter.

I think for a moment. What is something we could watch together, the three of us?

“I know. We could watch cat videos,” I say. Sam frowns. “What for?”

“Haven’t you ever watched cat videos on YouTube?” I ask, shocked.


“Will, have you?” I call, knowing that she’s eavesdropping.

“Nobody does that except losers,” she hits back.

I giggle. “Lucky I’m a loser then.”

I open up Sam’s computer at his desk and I log into YouTube, searching for cat bloopers.

Sam and I take a seat at the desk and we both wait.

A toddler is walking down a driveway when a cat jumps out and crash tackles him. He falls spectacularly into the garden, and we both laugh. A printer is printing out paper in an office and a cat comes in, attacking the printer with both paws as the paper comes out, and we both laugh out loud again.

A cat gets stuck in a cereal box and goes ballistic. A cat slips on the edge of the bath and falls in.

Stupid, stupid cats, doing every possible thing wrong.

It isn’t long before Willow appears at the door, lurking and wanting to see what’s so funny.

Naughty cat after naughty cat, we watch on as they jump scare, attack dogs, fall off things and generally act like me—super goofy—and we are all hysterical with laughter. This is the funniest thing I have seen in ages, and it just keeps on getting funnier. We are splitting our sides in laughter.

My phone rings in my pocket and I fish it out. The name Mr. Masters lights up the screen.

“Hello,” I answer, trying to act serious.

“Hello, Miss Brielle,” his velvety voice purrs through the phone.

My heart skips a beat at the sound of his beautiful voice. “Hi,” I breathe.

“Is everything all right?” he asks.

I see a cat fall into a pool after attacking its owner and I giggle. “Everything is great. Everything okay with you?” I ask.

“Yes, all good here. How are the children?”

A video of a cat chasing a bear comes on the screen, and the children all hoot with laughter. I can’t help but chuckle, too.

“What’s going on?” he asks. “Where are you?”

“We’re watching cat bloopers on YouTube.”

“Cat bloopers? It’s 9:00 p.m. Bedtime was half an hour ago.”

A man sleeping on a sofa comes on the screen, and a cat jumps up and attacks his dick. He jumps in fright and falls off the couch in shock. The three of us all burst out laughing.

“What’s so funny?” he snaps.

“The cat just attacked the man’s dick.” I laugh. “He fell off the lounge.” I can hardly speak from laughing.

“What the hell? Put the children on the phone.” I hand the phone to Sammy. “Hello, Dad,” he says, his eyes glued to the screen.


