Mr. Right Now Read online Annabeth Albert

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 39
Estimated words: 36122 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 181(@200wpm)___ 144(@250wpm)___ 120(@300wpm)

“I just might. I know we’re not dragging Bob away from the computer on a weekend, but Judy, you want to come with me? I assume Russ will already be there?”

Double hell. Of course, she’d assume that Russ would be the sort of supportive boyfriend to attend Esteban’s big event.

This was getting ridiculous. What had started as a kind gesture on Esteban’s part was rapidly careening out of control. Now, not only was his promotion in jeopardy, but their ruse might cost Esteban a big donation. Bob wasn’t kidding—Connie’s giving nature really was legendary. Russ would live without the job, but he hated the thought of souring Connie on the charity before she’d even had a chance to make it a favorite.

“I’m not sure…” Esteban shot him a confused look, the first time he’d looked uncertain in this whole charade.

Russ’s back muscles tightened. He didn’t like that one bit, wanted happy, confident Esteban back, no matter the cost.

Want me to fess up? he asked with eyes, hoping he was as good at the whole silent conversation thing as Esteban was. He’d endure the humiliation of admitting to the charade if that was what Esteban wanted.

And if he needed something else, well Russ could do that too, could be the guy who helped him out, just like he’d helped out Russ. He might not have Esteban’s acting chops, but when Esteban gave an almost imperceptible shake of his head, Russ was ready, hearty voice and all.

“Didn’t you say you needed my help carrying stuff? Setting up?” The offer came easily for him. If Esteban really was his guy, he’d be helping with bells on, would be the sort of boyfriend who was good behind the scenes.

“Yes. I did. I’ll need you there early, baby. And then you can mingle with Connie and Judy if you want.” Esteban’s grateful smile was worth any future awkward moments.

Maybe it wouldn’t be too hard to keep their fake relationship going. If Esteban could save him from an embarrassing Thanksgiving, maybe he could do this for Esteban. And if it earned him more time to prove to Connie that he was worthy of the promotion, so much the better. What was the harm of a little more time pretending?

Chapter Four

“We need to keep this going.” Esteban had made it through the dinner with a growing sense of dread. Now, alone with Russ in the kitchen to cut and plate the pie, he couldn’t hold in the obvious any longer.

“Yeah. And it’s all my fault.” Russ’s face sagged, misery rolling off him in waves. Sad Russ was back, and it was all Esteban could do to keep from hugging him. “I never should have let you lie for me in the first place.”

“No, it was my idea. It’s not all on you. I thought it would be harmless, and I was maybe a bit naïve about that.”

“Yeah. Now, it could cost your organization a big donor.”

“And you the job you want,” Esteban pointed out.

Russ hadn’t said as much, but Esteban thought Russ might’ve had a difficult transition to civilian life. A bigger role at work was a good thing, and if he’d found a passion for design and a goal to work toward, then Esteban was all for that. He’d had his own troubles transitioning from the LA lifestyle and into a nine-to-five day job in Portland. Finding his current job had a been a stroke of luck, and he wanted Russ to be as happy at work as him.

“I might still get it.” Russ sounded like he was trying to talk himself into this conclusion. “Connie may get over her thing about no drama and no breakups—she’s usually a pretty fair boss.”

“Yeah, that could happen. But let’s simply do my fundraiser together.” Strangely, this was starting to feel like a joint project, something they’d stumbled into and were now equally invested in. “I wasn’t lying—I can use the help that day. We just delay our little breakup a short while. No harm, right?”

“Maybe.” Russ did the shifting his weight back and forth thing that he seemed to do whenever he was uncomfortable.

Esteban made quick work of plating the pie, topping each piece with some whipped cream. However, an unpleasant thought made him pause. “Wait. Is there a chance the actual boyfriend could reappear in the next two weeks? That could be awkward.”

Russ snorted. “Not likely. He was pretty clear that he’s not interested in a relationship right now and especially not with me. He lives down in Lake Oswego, so it’s not like we’re gonna run into him around the neighborhood. And honestly, I’m not sure I’d take him back. This was pretty shitty, bailing on me last-minute, after promising to help.”

“Good. Good, for you seeing that. My last breakup, it took me a couple of weeks to get to that point.” Esteban didn’t like letting the memory of Murray intrude on an otherwise fairly pleasant day, so he forced his voice to be lighter, more upbeat. “And like you said, if you truly think you’re a better date for yourself right now, you’re better off without him.”


