My Holiday Joy Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 40
Estimated words: 36387 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 182(@200wpm)___ 146(@250wpm)___ 121(@300wpm)

Though I know a guy like him would never go for someone like me, it didn’t stop him from salivating over my tits the few times we’d met. I’d come to believe that he only did that to unnerve me. I’ve seen the skinny skank brigade he has sneaking out of his bed in the early morning hours.

“I told you about this tree. Since you didn’t see fit to do anything about it, I figured I’d take care of it myself.” He raised the saw again and I slapped the ladder with my palm not caring if he fell on his damn head.

It shook and he held on before glaring down at me. The goggles were now sitting on top of his head and there was fire in his eyes. “Are you fucking nuts?”

“Don’t you call me crazy. This tree is a hundred years old, you cannot cut it down.” I glared up at him wishing I could do more than that, but I had no doubt the big lout would hit me back if I dared.

“I’m only cutting down the part that keeps knocking against my damn window when I’m trying to sleep. You can keep the one on your side but this shit’s gotta go.” I gave him the meanest look I could muster and raised my hand to slap the ladder again.

“Get down out my damn tree.” Hell, there goes those diction lessons. Why is it only with him that I forget all my training and classy upbringing? And why oh why does he have to be the only one to get my goat?

Everyone else I come in contact with, I can handle with my eyes closed. So why him? Why does he always get a rise out of me? And why is it that I find myself spending more time in his presence than I want to?

“I’m not going anywhere until I take care of this shit. All night it sounded like someone was trying to break into my house through the damn window.” I can see how that might be annoying, but I don’t see how that’s my fault. Or why the hell I should care and I told him just that.

My response only seemed to anger him farther and now we were in a standoff. Each time he lifted the saw, I lifted my hand to strike the ladder. Years of wielding a rolling pin had given me strength in my arms that was nothing to poo-poo at.



Dammit, why the hell doesn’t she take her ass back inside? I thought for sure she’d be back in the guesthouse slash bakery already but nope. Her lazy ass would have to choose today to sleep in.

‘You know damn good and well you came out here to get a rise outta her.’ I thought I told you to shut the fuck up and mind your own. My damn subconscious is a nosy bitch on the rag.

So what I got worried when I didn’t see her for a couple days? Is that a crime? And so what if I’m only using cutting down the tree to keep up this running confrontation between the two of us because it’s the only thing we can safely communicate about?

She confuses the hell outta me, and now was no different. I just wanted to see her to make sure she was okay, that she hadn’t slipped in grease in her half ass bakery and killed herself.

Now that that was done those weird ass feelings were starting to rear their ugly little heads and it was time to put this show to bed once again. She didn’t look like she was going anywhere anytime soon with that mean ass look on her face.

I know just how to get rid of her though, and give myself some peace of mind. I gestured with my saw towards the gap in her robe. “I’m beginning to think you like putting on a show for me. It’s a bit cold to have your tits on display, not to mention too early in the morning.”

She looked down at herself and squeaked like a damn mouse. “Eeek.” She turned and ran like the hounds of hell were on her heels. Pain in the ass. I dragged my eyes away from her retreating ass and climbed gingerly down from the ladder, my good deed for the day done.

I was back to being mad and I hadn’t even been in her damn presence that long. I lifted the ladder onto my shoulder and headed back next door, mad as a fighting rooster.

My dick strained against my jeans and hurt like a son of a bitch. Ergo the reason I’d had to get rid of her. It’s the damnedest thing. That girl isn’t even my type, not even close.

So I find it hard to understand why this is the third or fourth time that I’ve met her and each time I end up with a hard dick and no interest in burying it in anyone else but her pain in the ass self.


