Nothing Special V (#5) Read Online Free Books by A.E. Via

Categories Genre: Action, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Nothing Special Series by A.E. Via

Total pages in book: 137
Estimated words: 128702 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 644(@200wpm)___ 515(@250wpm)___ 429(@300wpm)

God shook Steele’s hand again and proceeded to introduce him to the SWAT members. No one acted weird with Steele – well, no one but him. Tech was having a hard time keeping his eyes on Steele as he moved around the office speaking too low for him to hear – maybe apologizing. Tech was a ball of anxiousness, but the new member didn’t seem to be experiencing the same trouble, because every time he finished an introduction his eyes were right back on Tech.

Tech couldn’t take this, he had a job to do, and so did Steele. If he was going to be partnered with the Enforcers, then he’d hardly see the man anyway. Which might be best, because if Tech had to look at that worn gray long john stretched tight under that leather jacket all day, he’d be in a perpetual state of hardness. Steele’s entire look was exactly what did it for him. Tech’s team members were hot, but he’d been around them and their significant others for so long, he didn’t see them as anything but brothers now… with a little envy here and there.

He saw Day clap Steele on his on his back and point towards him. Shit, shit, shit. He’s coming this way. Tech almost rolled his eyes. This wasn’t junior high, for shit’s sake. Steele wasn’t the wrestling captain finally approaching him for a little extra help with his Algebra.

“Tech. You got the paperwork sent over from admin, so he can get his ID?” his lieutenant asked him.

Tech was staring at Steele, mesmerized by the gray eyes that seemed even darker now that he’d gotten closer. Or maybe it was the shirt causing them to look that way. Steele hitched up the shoulder strap of his backpack, staring at him with those exotically beautiful eyes.

“Tech?” Day said a little louder.

Tech jumped. “What...? Sir...? I’m, huh, Day.” Lord just take me now.

Day caught Tech by the elbow and the yelp of pain left his mouth too fast for him to muffle it. His reaction to Day clamping down on his fresh bruise was not only seen but heard by everyone. He looked up to see Steele’s apologetic expression and wished he hadn’t. Tech looked like a wimp, for sure. He knew his neck was the color of crimson if the warmth there was any indication. He might even break out in hives if all those eyes stayed on him.

Steele put his hand up to hold Day off. “If you’ll excuse us, I’d like to talk to Tech alone.”

“Maybe that’s a good idea,” Day agreed. “Tech, go ahead and get him armed and bugged. He can do admin later.”

Tech nodded and took off in the direction of the equipment room, grateful to get the hell away from their concerned looks. He had to punch in the code twice before he got it right, and waited for Steele to step inside. When he walked by, Tech could smell the lingering fragrant smokiness over Steele’s cologne. The smell was a woodsy-spicy combination. Cedar, amber and the crispness of pine. He knew those fragrances well; they reminded him of the Colorado Rockies… of home.

Steele looked around as he moved around the narrow space. It looked like a bunker with a top-notch organization system. Weapons hung all around them in locked cages, and Tech felt his nervousness trying to get the best of him.

“This is pretty amazing. Did you design all this?” Steele had an edge of awe to his tone as he pointed to the 22-inch monitor embedded in the steel wall. The keyboard extended when Tech tapped a couple keys.


“How long it take to do all this? I’ve never seen anything like it. You guys got more gadgets and artillery than an infantry squadron.”

“You can put your bag on that table and sit right there,” Tech said, keeping his eyes on the monitor while he punched in his access code. “Took a few months.”

“Wow. That’s alright.” Steele sat in one of the high stools, still surveying everything while Tech got the system going. “So, what are you doing?”

“First, I need to get some weapons for you. Of course, everything has to be accounted for. I can’t just shove a firearm in your hand and tell you to go. Ruxs and Green require a lot, so if you’ll be partnered with them you need to be prepared. Green’s truck has an M16 kit under his seat. There’s a shotgun in the back. In the hidden compartments in the doors is everything from throwing knives to tear gas. And I think he’s used everything at least once.”

“Holy shit.” Steele chuckled. His laugh was softer in the confined space, but masculine.

“Yeah, fun, huh.” Tech sighed but tried to keep the longing out of his tone.

“Do you ever go out with them?”


