One Night with the Duke (Belmore Square #1) Read Online Jodi Ellen Malpas

Categories Genre: Historical Fiction, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Belmore Square Series by Jodi Ellen Malpas

Total pages in book: 105
Estimated words: 97740 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 489(@200wpm)___ 391(@250wpm)___ 326(@300wpm)

He shrugs, and it is sheepish. My God, that’s exactly what he is suggesting! ‘I see no other way to protect you.’

‘Protect me?’ I wail, sounding somewhat deranged. ‘I do not need protecting. And from what, anyway? The ton?’ I throw my arm out towards where the festivities are happening. ‘The small-minded nitwits out there?’ I had been awfully hurt when I believed another woman had been indulged in the delights of Johnny’s attention. Had his lips upon hers. His body touching hers. And to think he, apparently, and leaving me even more hurt, would be happy to share me with another man? No. I will not and cannot accept this… this… madness!

He squeezes his eyes closed. ‘No, I––’

‘I care not for their opinion. I care not for the disdain or con––’

‘The truth!’ he yells, angered, and I recoil, shocked. ‘I’m protecting you from the truth!’

I watch his chest pump with his impatient heaves. ‘What truth?’

He growls, frustrated. ‘Christ.’

‘Johnny, what truth do you speak of? You must tell me.’

He shakes his head. ‘The repercussions, Eliza. The truth. I will not have you treated as I have been.’

‘To hell with them!’

‘You certainly are sending a lot of folks to hell, Eliza.’

‘Yes, and myself it would seem too! You want to share me? You won’t help me understand this madness. One of the many reasons why I love you is that you do not treat me as though I am stupid.’ I feel my throat swelling. ‘To hell with you too.’ I walk away, roughly wiping at my face, willing the tears away.

‘You already sent me there, Eliza!’ he calls after me. ‘A one-way ticket!’

My emotions make me tremble as I weave the corridors once more, with no direction at all, no thought for my route either, my thoughts scattered, so when I make it back to the ballroom, I am surprised I actually found it with such little effort.

‘There you are!’ Frank says, rushing over. ‘I went to the courtyard, and you were not there. Are you all right?’

‘I am fine.’ I say, scanning my brother’s face. His lips look rather… red. I reach up and run my thumb across the bottom one, looking at the pad, seeing the remnants of some lip stain.

‘Strawberry juice,’ he blurts, roughly wiping his mouth. ‘Damn stuff. Are you sure you are fine?’

‘Quite sure.’ I brush off his concern, my own concern taking over. ‘Funny, it looks rather similar to the shade of stain Lizzy Fallow is wearing on this evening.’

Frank takes my elbow and leads me further into the room, just as Johnny emerges, his eyes deep pits of burning anger. ‘You look as guilty as I expect you are,’ I say, looking away from the Duke.

‘That mouth of yours gets you in enough trouble,’ Frank mumbles. ‘Do not let it get me into trouble too.’

‘I might include it in my report tomorrow.’

Frank stops and drops his hold. ‘You can’t because I no longer work for The London Times and Porter is dead, so both of your covers are blown. Plus, need I remind you that if Lymington finds out a woman has been writing some of the most popular stories, he will give Papa hell?’

I will protect you from the truth! ‘You need not,’ I murmur. ‘Do you realise what you are getting yourself into?’ Listen to me. I am in the same situation, albeit reversed. Damn it all.

Frank looks past me, and I turn to see Johnny watching us. ‘Can you hear yourself?’

He is right, of course. ‘I can.’

‘What is going on, Eliza?’

‘That is a very good question, Frank.’ I sigh, seeing Frederick’s head swinging back and forth. ‘I should like to speak to my fiancé.’ I head towards him with a forced smile on my face.

‘Are you all right, Miss Melrose?’ His concern is very real, the dear man.

‘What a wonderful evening,’ I say, linking arms with him. ‘Shall we?’ He tenses with contact.

I see the Duke circling like a wild lion around his prey, his eyes on me. What a nerve. He wants me to marry another man? Share me? He doesn’t look like a man who would like to share as he eyes Frederick as though he could very well harm him if he so much as sniffs me. The fool. He should think before he speaks. I have a good mind to marry Frederick to spite him, but that, I realise, would be ridiculous. ‘Do you want to marry me, Frederick?’ I ask.

He blinks rapidly, surprised, and looks away. ‘Of course I want to marry you.’

‘Do you really, Fr––’ I’m jolted in my side and knocked a good few feet, but a pair of large, familiar hands catch me and my body solidifies, if only to stem the tingles attacking every inch of my skin. I freeze in his hold, breathing raggedly into his shoulder. I must move. I cannot move. ‘My apologies, Miss Melrose,’ Johnny says in a low voice, close to my ear as he steadies my unsteady frame. He pulls away, his smile knowing as he stares at me, and I peek around us, seeing the stunned faces of many partygoers, including Frederick, all watching us. ‘I did not see you.’


