Playing to Win (Billionaire Playboys #5) Read Online Tory Baker

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Billionaire, Insta-Love Tags Authors: Series: Billionaire Playboys Series by Tory Baker

Total pages in book: 39
Estimated words: 36026 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 180(@200wpm)___ 144(@250wpm)___ 120(@300wpm)

“You got it. One question,” Sylvester asks.


“How does it feel?” I look at him, wondering what he’s talking about.

“How does what feel?”

“To fall in love, fucker. Welcome to the club.” He doesn’t stick around for my answer. The asshole hightails it back to Fawn like he didn’t just drop a bomb in my lap. Damn if he’s not right. Danica has me all tied up in knots, and I’m finding I don’t mind it all.



“I’m not moving in with him,” I tell Nessa, Millie, Fawn, Amelie, and Mallory. Never in my life have I had this many people in one room surrounding me. It feels strange yet nice. Theo dropped a bomb on me this morning before he walked out of the hospital room stating he had to go to a meeting but would be back before the doctor made his rounds to release me. I was moving in with him, or he’d move into my apartment with me. Fucking caveman. The next thing he’s going to do is carry me out of the hospital over his shoulder. No doubt the only thing stopping him is my concussion.

“Then I guess he’s moving in with you.” Fawn shrugs her shoulders, a slight smile on her face. She knows that I know that won’t be happening.

“It’s not a bad thing, you know. We all fell for one of the guys, hard and fast. Now look at us. We love them, they give great orgasms, and well, we’re not complaining,” Millie says matter-of-factly.

“Hold off on the orgasms. You’ll be on concussion protocol for a few more days before you can have all the fun you want,” Nessa says before taking a sip of the coffee Millie brought all of us along with bagels, pastries, and cake pops.

“Don’t be a buzz kill,” Millie retorts.

“Ugh, he’s not moving in with me either.” And I’m not staying in my apartment building ever again. Which means, damn it to hell, I’m moving in with Theo until I can figure out where I’ll move next, and I’m sure he figured that little scenario out long before I did.

“Dani, you’re more than welcome to stay with me,” Mallory offers. I love her, but I love her penchant for cats less, as do my allergies. Mal is the epitome of an older cat lady. She currently has six indoor cats, and who knows how many she feeds outside.

“Thank you for the offer, but sadly, I might die from an anaphylactic shock if I stay with you.” I went to her house once, and even though she keeps her house cleaner than most, my body said nope, causing me to leave five minutes after I arrived.

“Then I guess you know what you’re doing,” Mallory finishes, smearing the cream cheese on my bagel. I’m obsessed with any type of cheese, but add cream cheese to the mix, and I love it even more. Thankfully, she knows my love language and has a healthy amount of the white goodness lathered on both sides of my bagel before handing it to me.

“Ugh, don’t tell the caveman that yet. I want to keep him on his toes, and I do like to yank his chain.” I shrug and sit up in my hospital bed. Millie brought the coffee and bagels. Nessa brought the doctor early this morning saying as long as I continue not to have any issues, I’m free to leave later this afternoon, but he wanted me here a full twenty-four hours. My bill is going to be through the roof even with insurance. Fawn and Sly brought a change of clothes and my toiletries. Funnily enough, my laptop was missing, as well as my phone. Theo must really be taking the no electronics thing seriously. And Mallory, my best friend, turned consort with the man who is stealing more than my attention. He’s making me rethink every single nuance of my life, and she’s right there egging him on, along for the ride, so to speak.

“Your secret is safe with us,” Nessa says proudly. None of these girls can keep secrets. Parker let me in on that when he dropped Nessa off this morning, and Boston smirked because the exception to the rule is Millie. Before we started talking about my issues, each of them told me how they met. Parker and Nessa at a charity event where Parker paid a significant amount for a date, like a whole lot of zeros behind the dot kind of amount. Ezra met Millie at the coffee shop, and he almost screwed up but thankfully pulled his head out of his ass, her words, not mine. Boston and Millie were different. Boston was down in New Orleans for work, became entranced, and they fell for one another. Only Boston’s dad is a grade-A douche canoe, and he came home to New York to keep him away from her. When Boston finally returned to New Orleans, he found out she’s pregnant. Sylvester and Fawn, well, she was hired to be his secretary at his law firm. Apparently, her dad and Sly worked together, and he’s older than her, significantly. The same can be said for Theo and me. What can I say? Clearly, we have all have a type, but don’t tell anyone I’m admitting that even to myself. I’m still coming to terms with it myself.


