Prison of Thorns – Blood Prophecy Read Online L.H. Cosway

Categories Genre: Fantasy/Sci-fi, New Adult, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 96
Estimated words: 89379 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 447(@200wpm)___ 358(@250wpm)___ 298(@300wpm)

Okay, so I might’ve decided to be civil with Vasilios, but that didn’t mean I needed to extend the same courtesy to Sven.

The demon vampire shrugged. “If you’d lived the lives we’ve lived, you’d have a different standard, too.”

I stared at him, and he stared right back. I wanted to deny it, but I knew it would be a lie. I had no idea what type of person I was capable of becoming, especially after how brutal I’d been with Cassandra yesterday. Maybe a horrible, cruel woman was buried deep, deep inside me, just waiting for the right circumstances to be let out.

“Why did Vasilios leave so abruptly just now? What’s going on with him?” I asked, changing the subject.

Sven ate a bite of bread, chewed, then said, “Your beauty affects him in a way it does not affect me, I think. It’s also obvious by your sudden vitality that you drank the blood he left for you.”

I bit my lip, self-conscious to discover that Vasilios had told Sven about the blood. I also didn’t know what to say about the other part, about him being affected by my beauty. Besides, it was probably a lie so I ignored it.

“Believe me,” I replied. “I tried as hard as I could not to drink it, and I almost managed to resist, but then I lost the thin hold I had on my willpower. You’re half vampire, too. Surely you understand how maddening the hunger can be.”

“I understand and know it well, far better than you.”

“Who are you feeding from in here?”

“There’s a witch who’s providing me with blood in exchange for sexual favours,” he answered, again very matter of fact. I was beginning to see that was Sven’s way. He didn’t beat around the bush, and I was a little shocked by his answer.

“And you’re okay with that?” I asked.

“She isn’t unattractive, and this way, I don’t have to feed from Vasilios, so we can both be strong. This is not a place for weakness.”

“Why does he keep offering for me to feed from him, then? I mean, won’t it weaken him?”

“It will, but he cares about your well-being.”

I stilled. Vasilios had put him up to saying that, right? I was about to say I didn’t believe him, but I couldn’t refute it entirely. Vasilios had been going out of his way to help me, first by running off Serg, then by using his magic to fool Mack, and most recently by bringing me to shower and providing me with his blood. So, why did he frame me? Was it really as Sergeant Davis theorised. Vasilios wanted to get me imprisoned with him so that we could be together in some twisted way? Was that what he meant when he wrote in his letter that he had a plan for us to be reunited?

I was still stewing on the question when Vasilios returned, took his seat, and resumed his meal. A few long moments of silence passed, with my gaze fixed on my tray.

“You drank the blood,” he commented at last.

His voice was subdued. I lifted my gaze, tilting my head in his direction. “Isn’t that what you wanted?”

“Yes, but I didn’t expect you’d do it. You were so adamant that you wouldn’t.”

“What did you mean with that letter you sent?” I fired back, unable to stop the question from slipping out. I also didn’t want to talk about the blood. I hated that I’d been too weak to resist it.

“I don’t know about any letter,” he lied, and I rolled my eyes.

“Cut the crap. In the letter, you said you had a plan to reunite us, and now, all of a sudden, I’m here—”

“Are you insinuating I had a hand in your conviction?” he asked, a thread of anger in his voice. “How? If I had any means of affecting events outside this prison I’d have been out of here long before now.”

At that, I lost a little of my steam, realising I’d basically just tipped him off that I knew he set me up. Well, the cat was out of the bag now. I might as well keep going.

“It’s very coincidental, is what I’m saying. And if it’s not true, then what did you mean by that letter? How could we possibly be reunited if not for me being sent here? And please don’t pretend you didn’t send it because I know you did.”

He glanced at Sven, and they did that strange silent communication thing again like they could read each other’s minds. I knew that wasn’t the case, of course. They’d been together for over a century and could read what the other one was thinking from a look. Finally, Sven tipped his head as though giving Vasilios some kind of permission. Vasilios brought his attention back to me, his voice barely a whisper when he said, “Fine. I sent the letter. I had a strong burst of magic that day I was feeling a little melodramatic and theatrical.”


