Reckless Love Read Online Kelly Elliott (Cowboys & Angels #7)

Categories Genre: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Cowboys & Angels Series by Kelly Elliott

Total pages in book: 107
Estimated words: 104237 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 521(@200wpm)___ 417(@250wpm)___ 347(@300wpm)

“It’s okay. It won’t cover everything, but most of everything. Corina said she has a small insurance plan that her mother is on that I can be added to. It will be more expensive, but I think I can make it work by not having to pay daycare.”

“Whatever it doesn’t cover for the birth, let me know, and I’ll take care of the rest. We can always add the baby onto my insurance.”

My chest squeezed. “Are you sure?”

Trevor reached for my hand, but when I pulled it away, he stopped.

“Of course, I’m sure.” The hurt in his voice wasn’t hard to hear. I felt guilty, but Trevor had a way of sweeping me off of my feet. As much as I wanted him to hold my hand, we needed to go slow.

Closing my eyes, I let out a sigh before glancing out the window. I wasn’t sure if I felt relieved at his calmness or scared at his one-eighty about this situation.

“Has it sunk in that you’re going to be a father?” I blurted out, a little on the bitchy side.

Trevor chuckled. “Yes.”

“You seem calm. Accepting this way better than I thought you would.”

He full-on laughed this time. “Did you not see me run like a bat out of hell at Lilly’s yesterday? Wade is still texting me about the blisters he got from running after me in his boots.”

I tried not to smile, but I did.

“Of course, if you need confirmation of my freak out, just ask Steed and Aunt Vi. I’m pretty sure they took turns watching me last night by the pool.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Might have been me sitting in the lounge chair rocking back and forth chanting something about a baby.”

This time I did laugh. “You were not.”

“I was. Tell me you didn’t sit in a corner and rock a few times when you found out.”

Our eyes met, both of us smiling. “I might have for about ten minutes…or an hour, possibly longer.”

Trevor’s laughter filled the truck and it made my entire body warm up. Especially deep down in my belly. Stupid betraying body.

“Are you scared?” he asked, his voice barely above a whisper.


He nodded. “Me too. I don’t want to suck as a father.”

This time, I reached for his hand and squeezed it. “You won’t. You had an amazing example growing up.”

His jaw twitched and this time, he withdrew his hand. But it was only to hit the button on the gate that led to the Parker family ranch. My heart was thumping.

“I hope the prayer chain hasn’t gotten to them.”

“Well, Aunt Vi said no one had sent out a request for lightning to strike me down, so that’s a good sign that the prayer chain hadn’t been activated yet.”

I covered my mouth as I attempted not to laugh.

We both remained silent while Trevor drove down the long driveway and finally pulled up in front of the house.

“Is anyone else here?” I asked, my hands wringing in my lap.

“No, their cars would be parked out front. Only Dad and Mom pull around to the back.”

I nodded.

Trevor got out of the truck and made his way to my side. He opened the door, and I reached out for his hand but froze.

“I can’t do this. Your parents are going to hate me. Think I trapped you or want money or think I’m a whore or…”

Trevor lifted me out of his truck and gently put me on the ground, leaning as close to me as he could without pressing his body onto mine.

“Stop it. My mother adores you and wouldn’t think any of those things and neither would my father. Scarlett, it takes two to make a baby, remember?”

“I know, it’s just—”

His mouth covered mine, and he kissed me. Damn it. I wanted to push him away, but Trevor Parker was my weakness. One little kiss wouldn’t hurt anything, as long as he didn’t deepen it.

When he pulled away, not taking it further, I felt a sting of disappointment.

What in the heck is wrong with me?

You don’t want him. You do want him. Hell, I’m probably more confused than Trevor.

“Ready?” he asked, his sweet southern voice pulling me from my thoughts. My hands ached to touch his strong, broad chest. To feel his muscles under my fingers.

Ugh. Scarlett, get it together.

“As I’ll ever be.”

John and Melanie Parker were sitting in the family room and I came to an abrupt halt when I saw my parents sitting across from them.

“Oh, shit. Joyce and Dalton are here. It’s a two-for-one kind of day,” Trevor whispered from behind me.

My parents stood and faced us. As I scanned their expressions, I knew they already knew. Where in the heck was their car when we pulled up?

“So this is how we find out you’re having a baby? Through Oak Springs gossip?” my father stated, anger etched in each word.


