River Wild Read Online Samantha Towle

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Romance, Suspense, Tear Jerker Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 80
Estimated words: 80969 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 405(@200wpm)___ 324(@250wpm)___ 270(@300wpm)

Because she is perfect.

I sometimes have to remind myself that this isn’t all a dream. That I’m not going to wake up back in that house, still with Neil.

I could never have imagined the life that I have now with Hope. And River.

River has been amazing since Hope was born. He is completely smitten with her. The way he looks at my daughter … like she’s a precious gift that he will protect at all costs, makes my heart ache in the best kind of way. It’s amazing to watch this big man be reduced to mush by my baby girl.

He’s at my house pretty much all the time. Only going home to shower and change and when he needs to work for orders that come in for his glass art.

He’s totally involved. Changing diapers. Helping at bath and bedtime. Rocking her to sleep when she won’t settle for me.

Feeding me to keep my energy up. Turns out that Hope is a hungry baby. I feel like she’s constantly on the breast.

But, if my girl needs milk, then milk she’ll get.

River is even watching her when I’m at work. Yes, I’m back to work. This mama has got to bring home the bacon for her girl.

River offered to watch her when it came time for me to go back to work two weeks ago, which is where I currently am, standing at the counter, waiting on the breakfast order for my waiting customer.

I hadn’t even voiced my worries to him about leaving her in daycare with a bunch of strangers.

It was like he knew my concerns without me even having to say a word.

He knows me better than anyone.

Sometimes, I feel like he’s the other half of my soul. The part I was missing but didn’t realize until that day when I looked into his eyes and saw him. The real him.

It’s almost like we’re a family.

Except we’re not.

River and I … we’re together in every sense of the word, except we’re not actually together.

I’ve never mentioned the kiss we shared after Hope was born, and neither has he. Just like the time before that when we kissed.

It seems River and I kiss every so often and just never discuss it.

Not that I’m complaining. I love having River in my life. I don’t know what I would do without him.

But … my feelings for him have only grown stronger over time.

And I can’t help but think about when the time comes that he meets someone. I know he’s a prickly jerk at times, but he’s also handsome and kind beneath the prickles.

Some woman is going to come along and snap him up.

And then I’ll lose him.

But I’m not thinking about that right now. It makes me feel sad, and I’m not going to be sad because I have way too much good in my life right now.

Guy puts the plate out for me. I scoop it up and walk over to my customer’s table.

I’ve put the plate down in front of him when the door chimes as it’s opening. I lift my head and see my two favorite people coming into the diner.

Funny how I was just thinking about them both, and here they are.

Although they are both all that I think of lately.

“Enjoy your breakfast,” I tell the customer.

Then, I walk away from his table, my smile turning into a beam at my little girl, who is in River’s arms.

“Hey.” I lean down and press a kiss to her cheek. “What’re you guys doing here? Not that I don’t appreciate the visit.”

“I decided to take a walk. Hope was getting fussy, so I figured a walk into town would keep her entertained.”

“Well, hand her over. It’s been ages since I last had a cuddle with my girl.”

“Which was about … three hours ago,” he quips.

“Like I said, ages ago.”

River hands Hope over to me, and I hold her to me, pressing a kiss to her nose, breathing her sweet baby scent in.

The door chimes. It’s Sadie coming back from the grocery store. We were low on milk.

“Hope’s here!” She dumps the grocery bag by the counter and comes over to us, practically hip-checking River out of the way. “Hand her over, Mama. Auntie Sadie wants a snuggle.”

Laughing, I hand her over to Sadie, who takes her from me.

“How is my sweet girl doing?” Sadie coos to her. “You’ve grown already since I last saw you.”

That was two days ago. Sadie has been a regular visitor at my house since Hope’s arrival. She’s baby crazy. And she just adores Hope.

I love that Hope has already got people in her life who love and care for her. She’s got a family.

“Did I hear that Hope is here?” Guy calls from the kitchen. “Bring her on in here.”

“No way! You’re cooking bacon in there. You’ll make her smell.”


