Ruin Read Online Samantha Towle (Gods #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, New Adult, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: Series: Gods Series by Samantha Towle

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 92368 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 462(@200wpm)___ 369(@250wpm)___ 308(@300wpm)

A sound of expected disappointment leaves me. “And that’s the reason I’ll never believe a single thing you tell me, Zeus. Because, when you love someone—really love them—you fight for them. You fight hard and dirty, no matter the cost to yourself. And not once have you ever fought for me.”

And, with those parting words, I open the door and step inside, firmly shutting it behind me.

I’m pacing the floor, chewing on my thumbnail, as I anxiously wait for Zeus to return from ballet class with Gigi. While she’s been gone, I’ve kept myself busy with cleaning the kitchen. Gigi’s class ended ten minutes ago, so she’ll be home any minute.

When Zeus came to pick her up an hour ago to drive her there, we barely spoke a word.

He just asked me if we were still going ahead with telling her after class. And I said yes.

That was the extent of our conversation.

We didn’t talk about last night.

I can’t talk about last night. Or think about any of the things he said last night. Because today is too important for anything else to come in the way of it.

I just pray to God that Gigi is okay with what we’re about to tell her.

I hear the door open and the sound of Gigi chattering away with Zeus.

Then, she calls for me, “Mommy!”

This is it. Time to woman up and tell my girl the truth.

“Living room,” I say.

She comes running into the room, a whirl of pink and frills, and launches herself into my arms. “Guess what!” She presses her tiny hands to my cheeks.

“What?” I say.

Zeus walks into the room, and my eyes briefly go to him. He’s wearing a smile, but I can see the worried look in his eyes.

I try to give him a reassuring smile, but I don’t think it works.

“You has to guess, Mommy. Or it’s no fun.”

“Okay, I’ll guess. But you have to give me a clue.”

Her little nose screws up, and then she grins. “Okay. Do you see anyfing different ’bout me?” She removes her hands from my face and spreads her arms out wide.

I spotted the badge pinned to her leotard straightaway, but I play dumb.

I tip my head back and pretend to examine her face. “Hmm…well, it’s not your face because it looks the same.”

“Cwourse it does, Mommy. Don’t be silly. I can’t change my face.”

I don’t even bother to tell her about the wonders of plastic surgery.

“Good. Because I love your pretty face just the way it is.”

I kiss the tip of her nose, and she giggles.

“Come on, Mommy, guess! Zweus guessed way qwicker than you!”

“Oh.” I lift a playful brow, giving Zeus a teasing look. “Is that so? Well, we can’t have that.” I scan my eyes over her and then say, “You wouldn’t be Ballerina of the Week by any chance, would you?”

“You guessed wight! I’m the best dancer this week. Miss Hannah said my fwirst position was perfect. And I said that’s because I been pwacticing at home. And she said that I’m going to make a gweat ballerina. And I said just wike my mommy.”

The wave of love I feel for her almost takes my breath away. I press my lips to her warm cheek and breathe in her scent. “I’m really proud of you, Gigi girl.” I hug her to me before putting her to her feet. “So, Zeus and I need to talk to you about something, if that’s okay.”

She looks up at me. “Okay, Mommy.”

I take her hand and lead her over to the sofa. She sits down on the sofa, and I sit beside her. Zeus sits on her other side.

“So, Gigi…there’s something that Zeus and I need to tell you.”

“Are you and Zweus getting mwarried?”

“What? No!” I splutter.

My eyes flash to Zeus. He doesn’t look upset by that. If anything, he’s smiling.

“Why would you think that, baby?”

“Because Tommy Preston told me that his mommy gots a new friend wike we gots Zweus, and nows, they mwarried.”

“No, Gigi girl. Zeus and I aren’t getting married.” I gently shake my head.

“Okay. But I wouldn’t mind if you dids. I wike Zeus a wot.”

She gives me a toothy grin, and I can’t help but smile at her.

I lift my eyes to Zeus, and the sheer level of emotion on his face almost breaks me.

I swallow down, composing myself before attempting speech again.

“So…Gigi girl, you know how Tommy’s mom got married to her friend, and that meant he got a new daddy?”

“Tommy has two daddies. I don’t has a daddy,” she tells Zeus. There’s no hurt in her voice. Just a matter of fact. But it’s still like a blade in the heart.

Zeus clears his throat. “Well, what would you say if I told you that I was your daddy?” His voice is like gravel.

Gigi’s just staring at him. And my heart is practically beating out of my chest.


