Savage A Second Chance at Love Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 62
Estimated words: 57240 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 286(@200wpm)___ 229(@250wpm)___ 191(@300wpm)

I chose the bike since it was easier to maneuver in and out of sticky situations if any should arise. As I rode through the night with the wind at my back, I let my mind replay everything I’d done in the last few months.

Things that until my own personal tragedy I would’ve never believed myself capable of. I’d taken lives. Yes the men were scum, degenerates who were serving no other purpose than to screw up the lives around them, but still I had sworn to uphold the law.

After the first one, it had become easier until I no longer felt anything when my knife sliced into them, or when the bullet pierced their flesh as they drew their last breath.

The bullet was overkill but it served its purpose. It would lead back to the gun I’d stolen from evidence, the one I’d checked out under someone else’s name. The one I planned to leave on the scene tonight.

I pulled into the bushes a mile away from the meet and hoofed it the rest of the way. This wasn’t a movie, I didn’t need to have a last conversation, didn’t need him to tell me why, I already knew all I needed to know.

The hardest part here was the driver. The asshole never went anywhere without one, but he’d want privacy because he didn’t trust anyone so that would work in my favor.

I saw the lights from his town car pulling into the out of the way dock just as I made it there. I stayed hidden in the dark around the side of the old warehouse and waited until he got out.

I watched him walk through the door before making my way to the car, crouched low so as not to be seen. I tapped on the window and flashed my badge.

No matter how bad they are they still answer when they see one of those, it’s almost a reflexive action. As soon as the window was lowered, I reached in and took his head between my hands, twisting once until I heard the satisfying crack.

I didn’t waste time after propping him up before heading in after Rossi. “Where the hell are you? I don’t like….” I whistled before he could finish his statement before ducking back into the shadows. He hung up the phone as he looked in the direction from which the sound had came.

“What the fuck game are you playing Rogers? What’s with this place? I thought we were lying low until this Savage guy was off the streets what the fuck is the big emergency?”

“Sorry Carlo, Rogers couldn’t make it tonight.”

“You, what…?” The first shot hit him in the gut and doubled him over. His hands shook too hard to grab his piece but I walked over and relieved him of it all the same.

“But you…you’re a cop.” Blood was already leaking from his mouth as he clutched at the wound. “Tonight, I’m a father. You killed my son.” I plunged the knife into his scrotum and listened to his screams echo around the room.

As he was taking his last breath I, shoved his balls into his mouth and left his dick hanging. Now for the fun part. I sent my second text of the night and went off into the dark to watch the fireworks.

It took Rogers ten minutes to get there and the cops that I’d called after timing him less than two.

I was close enough to hear the confusion. I needed that much satisfaction. “What’s going on? I didn’t do this.”

“Detective, drop your weapon.” Rogers tried explaining but the boys weren’t listening.

I’d specifically sent them on patrol in this quadrant tonight because I knew they hated Rogers’ guts.

I watched long enough to see them walk him out in cuffs and put him in the car cussing and proclaiming his innocence.

I could’ve killed him, wanted to end him. But what he had in store was much worse. I was going to make sure of it.

Once back home I took a quick shower downstairs before heading up to check on her. My night wasn’t quite over but I needed to put eyes on her, to reassure myself that she was fine.

She didn’t look like she’d moved since I left; only now her arm was wrapped around my pillow. I walked over quietly and stood looking down at her. Just one more step and I could give her all of me. I owed her that and so much more.

With one gentle swipe of my finger across her cheek and a soft kiss to her temple I turned and left the room headed for my office.

I’d been working on this little gem ever since the beginning, ever since I pieced together all the players. Information I’d grabbed from different places, information Rogers thought he’d destroyed so as not to leave a trail that would lead back to him.


