Savage A Second Chance at Love Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 62
Estimated words: 57240 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 286(@200wpm)___ 229(@250wpm)___ 191(@300wpm)

Her mom had always tried to ingratiate herself in our life and I’d always kept her at arm’s length. She knew the deal, knew her daughter came up pregnant from a one nightstand and whatever else her kid had filled her head with.

Her and I might’ve gotten along fine had she not started a campaign against Shelly when Dee was pregnant. Until the day I put the ring on her finger, she and her mom had fed me a steady diet of bullshit, all centered around why I had to forget I ever knew Shelly, like that shit was gonna happen.

It had been years since she’d said anything to me about it, so I’d erroneously believed that the subject was dead, but just the other day we happened to run into her and she was back on her shit.

I have no idea why she would think that I had any interest in her and what she thought, but when I told her that she seemed to get a burr up her ass and now these fucks were in my face.

If this was the worse I had to face on the back of this shit, I can take it. But no way in hell was I gonna let anyone get away with messing with her.

I won’t say anything to her but first chance I get, I’m going to pay Dee’s mother a visit and let her know in no uncertain terms that if she didn’t stop her shit I’m gonna have her ass brought up on charges for slander.

The truth is, her daughter latched onto me because I was her only way out. Her family thought they could ride my coattails out of the trailer park, but that wasn’t part of my plan.

I knew Dee use to give them my money, I knew a lot of things. But if they thought I was going to stand by and watch them fuck with my life now that I was finally getting it back on track they’d picked the wrong fucking one.

I wasn’t about to let them sidetrack me anyway, I had something planned for tonight and I was going to see it through. It was a special night for us, one I wasn’t sure she remembered it had been so long ago. It was the anniversary of the first day we ever met. The day I knew she was my one and only.

I put the dishes in the washer and dried my hands before going back to her. “Come with me sweetie.” I pulled her up from her chair and kissed her forehead before leading her out back to our favorite spot, the swing.

I sat her next to me and put my arm around her shoulders. “Are you warm enough?” She nodded her head against my shoulder and rested her hand on my thigh.

I picked it up and looked at the ring I’d put there not long ago. I’d deliberately chosen the ring finger of her right hand because I had plans for the other one.

“Do you remember the day we met?” She squeezed my hand and picked her head up. “Yes I do. It was the first day back after summer break. You were the hotshot ballplayer that everyone loved and I was the little wallflower that blossomed over the summer. Before that, you didn’t even know I existed.”

She’s always told that lie but the truth is until that day I was always too tongue-tied in her presence to say much of anything.

“You were never on anybody’s wall, my social butterfly. I remember doing a double take. That top you were wearing, I still can’t believe your mom let you out the house in that.”

“She didn’t. I borrowed it from Debbie. Didn’t you ever wonder why you never saw it again? She dared me to wear it instead of my usual polo shirt. Of course I thought it was too risqué the way it hugged my chest, but she wouldn’t ease up and I gave in. I won five bucks and the hottest guy in school that day.”

“Yeah, you did. You did something new with your hair that day too, but it wasn’t that that finally gave me the courage to approach you. I saw Carver setting his sights on you and saw red. I knew if I didn’t move quick he’d beat me to it and I’d lose you to that ape.”

“There was never any chance of that. While I was taking that dare you were on my mind. I’d made up my mind over the summer that that was going to be the year that I finally got up the nerve to talk to you.”

“I look at you now and I’m back to being that same tongue-tied teenager who knew you were too good for me. I knew it even then, and I guess I was right. I fucked up. But we’ve been all over that and there’s no need to rehash it again in this lifetime thank fuck.”


