See No Evil – The Book of Legend Read Online Tiana Laveen

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Dark, Erotic Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 121
Estimated words: 112755 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 564(@200wpm)___ 451(@250wpm)___ 376(@300wpm)

I sure am plumb tuckered out. I should’ve drunk two cups of coffee ’stead of one. Bill can’t have me there all night anymore putting up them files, and entering shit. That didn’t make no damn sense. Every time there’s a crisis, they expect me and Crissy to throw on our capes and save the day. They ain’t payin’ me enough to ruffle my feathers and lose sleep. I appreciate the extra cash, but it still ain’t worth it.

“Hello, class. Chef Richard will be in shortly, so I want to first go over last week’s changes to the schedule to make sure everyone is up to date.” The teacher began to talk, and she listened intently, while taking notes on her computer. Just then, she heard the classroom door open. Assuming it was the guest, she watched as two people she’d never seen before entered. One woman with long blond hair and glasses, and a tall, muscular man with the face of an Egyptian God that made her do a double take.

Who the hell is that? Is that Chef Richard? They make ’em like that in France? Well, bonjour! I’m here for it. He can cook for me any time. That must be his assistant or something.

“Class, we have two new students today. Claire Kirkpatrick, and Legend Vidal. Please, have a seat.”

Students? He’s in this class now? Well, damn!

The two found their respective chairs, the Legend person walking to the middle of the room, soaked in swag, casting a mountainous shadow in his wake. He gotta be at least 6’4. He plunked down in a chair where there was no one on either side, and put his backpack on the floor beside him. She looked at the back of his head, which was covered by a cap, and she could see a gold chain peeking above his dark red shirt. Within a few short moments, he removed his Louisville baseball cap and set it on his desk, exposing jet-black waves, cut in a low fade. Her heart got to playing a wild beat at the sight. Around the room, several women were whispering while staring at him, and grinning at one another. Yes… he was that type of guy. Catching eyes like a frog catching flies.

Suddenly, the man traveled his gaze around the classroom, and she almost gasped when his golden-green eyes landed on her.

And stayed there.

His lips curved in a slight, tilted smile, and the top of a dimple, barely visible past his thick beard, made an appearance along his cheek. He was stunning, but also had a distinctive look that one didn’t see every day. Tattoos covered all along his arms and neck, and he had a thick, well-trimmed beard, heavy eyebrows, and full, nice lips.

She quickly looked away, and took a good gulp of water. I know I’m not over here acting thirsty. Fuck a man. They ain’t good for shit but causing stress, and making babies they’ve got no intention of loving and taking care of. I said I was done after the last go-round. I’m focusing on me and my child. Period. When she dared to place her gaze on him again, he was back to listening to the teacher.

Good. Well, if nothin’ else, class should be interesting today. I’m fixin’ to enjoy this. She turned to a fresh page in her notebook. We’ve got a famous sous-chef comin’, and two new students. One of whom I can ogle for long while. From a safe distance of course.

She glided her tongue along her upper gum line, then bit into her lower lip. Soon, the guest speaker arrived, and he went through an interesting spiel about his career, how he got started, and how he learned his skills originally in France before moving to California, then Vegas. Every once in a while, she’d take a look at the back of Legend’s head, wondering if he was taking good notes, or writing anything at all. After the speech was over, he didn’t ask any questions to the guest.

At last, class was officially dismissed, and everyone gathered their belongings to depart. She debated on trying to sneak a picture of him to show her friends, but decided against it. She had a habit of leaving the flash on when she thought she’d turned it off.

He sat there for a bit, then placed his textbook in his bag, along with his iPad and notebook. So she lifted her chin, sucked in her stomach, and walked past him, headed towards the door, but was distracted by his cologne. Her eyes literally fluttered when she inhaled the air around him. She had a damn good nose, and knew her perfumes and colognes, especially since she made homemade soaps. It was definitely Colonia Quercia Acqua di Parma, and it smelled so good on him.


