Sever Read online T.L. Smith, Melissa Jane

Categories Genre: Dark, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: ,

Total pages in book: 66
Estimated words: 63243 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 316(@200wpm)___ 253(@250wpm)___ 211(@300wpm)

When I turn from a man who seems intent on making me aware of his presence, I come face to face with another. He appears different from the rest, and I deduce by his posture and stare that he is staff. He’s tall, a slender man with broad shoulders, deep red hair and a matching beard.

“An unfamiliar face, I see.” He smiles, but it isn’t genuine. He openly assesses me, making no secret of his scrutiny. I wonder if he does this to everyone, or if he’s like a dog and can smell my fear.

“Yes, first-timer.” I laugh in an attempt to hide my discomfort.

“Where are you from…?”

“Blythe,” I tell him my name and then answer his question. “Born and bred here.”

He smiles once more, but it still doesn’t reach his eyes. “Well then, Blythe, should you need anything, please don’t hesitate to find me. Tempest can become a little overwhelming at times, but I’ll be happy to assist. Simply ask for Joseph if you can’t find me.”

That’s never going to happen. He has the look of a masochist, the type who’d start with torture and ask questions later. “Thank you, Joseph. I appreciate that,” I lie.

“I trust Kenneth told you there are rules that need to be abided by?”

“I did my homework.”

Joseph turns deadly serious. “They’re easy, simple rules of propriety which should be followed. And only those who have registered and paid the bidding fee are allowed through that door.” He points behind him to another red door similar to the outside, but this one also has a heavy velvet curtain pulled to one side and security standing on the other.

A chill ripples over my skin, and I’m unable to take my eyes off the forbidden door. Joseph leans forward, lips grazing my ear, his predatory voice adding to the uneasy feeling settling in my gut. “It’s natural to be curious, Blythe. We’re all seduced by the illicit nature of man and his muse.” His fingers brush my skin as he smooths a lock of hair over my shoulder. “Some don’t realize their sexual urges until they see it for the first time. It’s the ones with more experience pleasing their demons you need to be careful of.” I feel him smile and I know it’s due to my discomfort. “They show no mercy, especially with a woman as exquisite as you.”

Joseph pulls away and I exhale heavily, shoulders tense from the unwanted interaction. I came here for a reason. There’s no need for me to stick my nose where it’s not wanted, especially if it involves men who cannot control their urges. That doesn’t stop his ‘words of wisdom’ from running rampant in my already hyperactive mind.





While the room I’m standing in is relatively tame, clearly what lies beyond the guarded red door is not.

Downing the rest of my champagne, I exchange my glass with another and numbly study the room. Reminded of my objective, I look for a long-haired blonde with a similar appearance to mine. No one meets the criteria but one familiar face does stand out. I see him through the crowds, so I move into a better position until I can pinpoint where I know him from. I watch while he interacts with a woman in a deep blue dress, much younger than he.

And then it hits me.

That same situation I first saw him in when he was talking to Sam at Othello. The silver fox who she’d smiled and flirted with. The silver fox who had his hands indecently on her body given he’d only met her moments before. The silver fox she’d handed a business card to. A business card that most likely had the name Tempest gold-leafed on it.

Does my sister recruit men to attend these parties? Men with money and taboo sexual urges.

“Fresh blood has quite a scent to it.”

For goodness sake.

I sigh.

Rule Two: Respect.

“Old or new, blood is always pungent,” I say, opting not to be removed from the premises so soon. I turn to the man who’s sniffed me out. Handsome and with eyes who want only one thing.

“I’m a man who likes it raw.” His lips twitch and I feel an overwhelming urge to punch his smug face.

“Are you still talking about blood?”

His gaze travels the length of my body, his air of privilege nothing but revolting. “Both,” he says, thinking the sly wink he gives is enough to make me wet.

“I don’t appreciate raw meat and only like to be fucked raw by whom I choose and that will never be you.”

I’m aware I’m fast-tracking my exit, but his mere gaze on me is ruining my night. Turning away to prove my disinterest, I finally find what I’ve been looking for. The blonde hair shines under the warm glow of the lights, her laughter heard above the music and gentle chatter.


