Straight as a Wheel – Smoke Valley MC Read online K.A. Merikan

Categories Genre: Biker, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 128
Estimated words: 119011 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 595(@200wpm)___ 476(@250wpm)___ 397(@300wpm)

Anders snorted. “His lips say one thing, but then his ass can take your whole hand.”

He and Sidell high-fived by the time Leo’s brain processed what he’d just heard.

Leo sat up straight, his face twisting at the image presented to him. “What the fuck, man?”

“And they’d even cleaned out beforehand,” Neil added, ignoring Leo, whose world spun out of control, as if the poker table were a tornado, and he was about to be whisked off to gay Oz.

Zolt shook his head at Anders. “You’re in the wrong profession. Maybe you should move to a cattle farm? I hear that’s what they do to all the breeding bulls.”

The whole table groaned in disgust, but it was as if they were all in on a gross joke Leo didn’t fully understand.

“I’ll stick to human bulls, but thank you for your concern,” Anders said, swapping out a card in his hand.

Sidell leaned back in his chair and grinned at Leo. “I prefer less invasive pleasures. After all, gay or straight, everyone likes getting their dick sucked.”

When had Leo become a part of this conversation? It reminded him of the many times he’d had to reprimand his uncle or Jag for making women uncomfortable with weird comments, but how was he even ‘the woman’ in this equation? He was the straight one.

“I think it matters who’s doing the sucking,” Leo said, knowing very well that he’d started digging another hole for himself. Still, he couldn’t bite his tongue.

Neil shrugged. “I mean… an uninspired blowjob is still a blowjob.”

Zolt smirked. “I like being the one to teach them how to give head real good,” he said, and briefly caught Leo’s gaze.

Leo had never been in this kind of situation, the butt of the joke, teased about his sexuality, and he didn’t know if he should react like a hothead or keep it cool and pretend he wasn’t bothered by the nasty comments. Was this a game of chicken for them? For Zolt?

Because it wasn’t for Leo. This was his life they were laughing about. His whole identity, the foundation on which he stood as a man had been shaky from that kiss with Zolt, and now they only rattled it more.

He got up. “I need a smoke. You guys air all that horny bullshit, because I don’t wanna hear any of it when I’m back.”

Neil started laughing with too much enthusiasm, but Leo was already on his way out. “Oh, come on! It’s just a blowjob. Zolt’s not asking for your hand in marriage!”

Leo had always thought gay men were kind of private about what they did in bed, as if it was something niche, to keep under wraps. Maybe he’d even assumed they were classier than the drunk straight guys who picked on women and made embarrassing comments, but sexual orientation clearly had nothing to do with being a nice guy. And while Zolt had barely voiced his thoughts, he’d also done nothing to make the evening less unpleasant for Leo. Considering his outgoing personality, it almost seemed like a tactic to chase Leo away. Maybe that was what Zolt had planned? He hoped Leo would be uncomfortable enough to ask Dad to replace him with someone else?

Well, Zolt had another thing coming. Leo might have considered ending their forced cohabitation if asked. He understood that his presence could make Zolt uneasy after the brief encounter three weeks back, but he would not be bullied into backing out. Fucking man-babies. Sidell looked at least forty, and he was on it with the rest of them!

Leo leaned against the wall just outside the back door and fumbled for a cigarette. His first inhale was exactly what he needed to calm down, but as he sucked on the filter, he thought back to the thick cigar in Zolt’s mouth, all he could think of was blowjobs.

And since his mind was the one place where he was free to do as he pleased, he imagined Zolt on his knees in front of him, rubbing his beard across Leo’s balls as he took Leo’s cock all the way down his throat.

‘I’ve got no gag reflex’ echoed through Leo’s mind. Fantasy fulfillment had been offered to him on a silver platter, and he’d panicked like the biggest idiot. Mike wouldn’t have hesitated. If Leo’s very-straight older brother wanted to experiment with a guy, he wouldn’t have thought twice about the consequences. He’d have just done it and moved on. But Leo wasn’t Mike. He was his own self, plagued by doubt and more inhibitions than he could count, and while he didn’t regret fleeing Zolt’s clutches that night, the suggestion of a safe way to test those gay waters had kept poking at his brain ever since.

Worse yet, he couldn’t help but wonder what it would feel like to have Zolt’s thick dick sliding into his mouth. He wasn’t exactly frightened of the idea. They were two men, and dicks were just body parts anyway, so there was nothing particularly wrong or revolting about the concept. The problem wasn’t with the physicality of it. Hell, Leo had once swallowed a whole Carolina Reaper chili pepper on a dare and ended up at the ER. He would have never done that sober, but things tended to get out of hand when he drank.


