Swallow Me Whole Read Online Gemma James

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Bad Boy, BDSM, Erotic, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 91
Estimated words: 87825 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 439(@200wpm)___ 351(@250wpm)___ 293(@300wpm)

Sex with him would be mind-blowing. Life-changing. And I want that more than I thought I would. No guy has ever been inside of me, and suddenly, I want him to be my first more than anything—this sexy man who grew from the boy I remember from childhood.

But then I envision our friendship bursting into flames, turning to ash in the destruction. I can almost hear the inevitable shattering of my heart.

It’s just not worth it.

As I pull my T-shirt over my head and step into my jeans, I know deep down that keeping a certain amount of distance between us is crucial. There’s a big difference between sucking his cock and letting him inside my body.

Inside my soul.

And maybe that’s why I’m still a virgin—no one’s ever been important enough for me to want to go there. Though I’ve certainly tried a couple of times, only to watch it blow up in disaster after I realized I wasn’t ready.

In my experience, men are impatient and quick to anger when they don’t get what they want. Mandy would tell me that I have poor taste in guys, and maybe she’s right. Scratch that—I know she’s right. But Ashton is different. He’s not angry. He’s waiting with patience while I dress, aroused as all get-out and not doing a thing about it. My gaze stalls on his erection.

“Do you want me to…I could…do it again before I leave?” The thought of fitting my lips over him again excites me way too much.

A smirk shapes his mouth. “You want to suck my cock again?” He takes a step toward me. “You can say the words, you know. You won’t turn to salt, I promise.”

“I-I know.”

He invades my space in a way that’s becoming too familiar. Taking my chin between his thumb and forefinger, he studies my face. “Go home, Sadie. Tomorrow is another day. You can bet your reddened ass that I’ll be seeing you again.”

“Okay,” I whisper.

He lets me go, and somehow, I manage to escape his place with my heart still in one piece. With my lips unmolested by his tempting mouth. But I’m not a complete fool. We’re playing a dangerous game, and I’m kidding myself if I think I can keep my heart out of it.

I’m already in too deep.

Chapter Eight


When it comes to Ashton Levine, in too deep doesn’t cut it. I run the tip of my tongue across my lips as I approach my apartment, as if I can lick away the memory of his cock in my mouth. As if I can will away the sting from his punishing hand on my ass. The pain is nothing but a phantom recollection, but remembering how he pulled me over his knees and spanked me leaves me conflicted. This whole arrangement with him leaves me confused and uncertain. I already know I can’t trust my judgment, let alone my heart, when it comes to Ashton.

To make matters worse, Mandy is going to want answers about my behavior last night at the club. I haven’t seen her since I got wasted the night before. She’d already left for work by the time Ashton invaded my bed this morning, demanding an explanation for my insane actions.

Mandy and I have a lot to talk about, but my unexpected…involvement with her brother isn’t going to be part of this upcoming heart-to-heart. I can’t even entertain the idea of coming clean to her. I mentally scoff at the thought of how that conversation would go.

Where have you been, Sadie?

Nowhere special. Just at your brother’s house sucking his cock and getting spanked on his lap.

Yeah. That will go over well.

I enter our apartment, and as I’m locking the deadbolt behind me, Mandy saunters out of her bedroom in a black tank top with a crimson skull on the front. Red and black flannel bottoms hug her curvy hips. Her short dark hair is wet and tangled as if she just got out of the shower. I know she favors tanks since the sleeveless style shows off her tattoos. They’re a colorful mixture of hummingbirds and flowers that wrap around her biceps. She’s a talented tattoo artist, so I’d expect nothing but the best work on her skin.

She plops onto the sofa then pats the seat next to her. “Let’s talk.”

I knew it was coming, but I still drag my feet across the room. “I’m all ears,” I say, taking the cushion next to her.

“No, I’m all ears, so start talking. What happened yesterday that made you want to get shit-faced? I couldn’t understand a word you were saying over the phone last night.”

“The short version is I caught Jake with his dick in his assistant’s mouth.” A small pang goes off in my chest. So maybe I wasn’t in love with Jake. His betrayal still stings.


