Teacher’s Pet Read online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Funny Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 107
Estimated words: 97337 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 487(@200wpm)___ 389(@250wpm)___ 324(@300wpm)

She was having a hard enough time dealing with five and six year olds, let alone adult teens. School certainly isn’t like it used to be when she was younger. All the kids seem so much more mature, even the little ones. Something she only learned when she stepped in front of a classroom for the first time.

Now she watched as the students filed in one after the other talking boisterously with one another. Should I have them introduce themselves? She wondered to herself.

The big one with the arms had only grinned at her after bringing her to everyone’s attention before taking his seat again. No name given, and the others had only smiled as they took their seats.

Is that still cool or would I be starting off on the wrong foot? She had a feeling it would be the latter. They’d probably laugh me out of the room. She thought as she moved around the papers on her desk

All her old fears and anxiety threatened to return, and for a split second she was back there again; the lonely orphan afraid of her own shadow. But common sense prevailed in the end and she told herself to go with what felt right to her. She, was the teacher after all.

She counted heads and waited, all the while taking furtive looks at the players as she played a little game in her head, trying to figure out who was who.

She’d spent her lunch break reading up on the kids that were going to be taking the class, getting what information she could glean from their academic history.

But so far there were no faces to go with the names on the sheet of paper she held because she hadn’t had enough time to go digging that far. She did know that there were two people missing though, and just then heard their footsteps coming towards the room.

Her heart thumped in her chest when the last one sat and she counted heads again. They were all here. She took a deep breath and willed her nerves to take a backseat as she opened her mouth to speak.

“Hello class, my name is Ms. Parks and I will be your teacher as the other has had a bit of an accident and will be gone for a while.” She congratulated herself for not sounding like a wounded kitten at least.

They let her know that they already knew and had in fact visited the other woman in the hospital over the weekend. “Oh that was nice of you, um, would you please tell me your names?” Her face was already burning and she hoped that no one noticed how gauche she was being.

There were ten of them and they went down the line from front to back telling her their names with a little ribald teasing of each other thrown in for good measure. She didn’t know why she was so nervous when it came to Drake’s turn. Maybe because she’d already picked him out from among the others.

She’d taken all that she’d learned about him so far and formed an idea in her head. That’s something she does a lot. But this was the first time maybe that the reality outshone the vision. And that he was, a vision.

His head was full of the thickest black hair, neither curly nor straight and it seemed to go all over the place at once when he ran his hands through it. And those eyes, a green as bright as the first grass of spring. Or was it the look in those eyes when he looked at her?

Okay Elizabeth, don’t be fanciful. It’s not like he’s looking at you any different to anyone else. But he did seem to have a rather intense stare for someone that young, almost as if he were trying to peer into her mind.

She relaxed once she remembered that she was wearing her tinted glasses and that he couldn’t read her after all. She still fumbled around a little with the stuff on the desk and cleared her throat at least twice as she strove to regain her composure.

No wonder he had the reputation he had. It was obvious that he was different from the rest of his peers even in attitude. There was just something about him that made him stand out and away from the others, as if they were worlds apart.

In truth it was her first time dealing with someone as wealthy as he was purported to be and she wondered if this was par for the course for that ilk. If this is the way people usually acted around the Uber rich as they say.

She took one last peek and almost fell off her chair when she caught him just looking back at her with no indication of what could possibly be going through his mind.


