The Biker’s Nanny Read Online Sam Crescent

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Biker, MC, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 38
Estimated words: 37762 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 189(@200wpm)___ 151(@250wpm)___ 126(@300wpm)

“That’s because you’re not a club whore, babe. Far from it.” He put several cartons on the table. “What would you like?”


She watched as he fixed her a plate. He handed her some chopsticks, and she waited as he served himself.

“You didn’t have to wait.”

“I wanted to.” She offered him a smile, which he returned.

This was sort of surreal to her. She couldn’t believe she was eating with her boss and not only that, she’d been shot.

“I’m a badass.”


“I’ve got a war wound. Look at me. I’m totally a badass.” She couldn’t help but smile, and he laughed right along with her.

Maybe this lockdown wouldn’t be such a bad thing.

Chapter Five

The following day Hawk was not impressed to see Jasmine outside playing with Bethany. His little girl was on the ground with a few toys and Jasmine sat on the ground, leaning against a tree trunk for some shade.

“What are you doing?”

“We’re basking in the sun rather than being cooped up in there. Other women and children are out.” She pointed toward the parking lot where several of the old ladies stood. When he and Jasmine had gone to bed last night, there had been a fight between an old lady and a club whore.

The club whore had come out worse off with a broken nose. The old lady currently wasn’t speaking to her old man. It was a bit of a disaster, but he was used to it. Mixing the two women never went well at all. There would always be some fallout. Especially if a club whore thought for a second she had a chance with one of the men at the club. There was always that rivalry that came into play.

His problem was the fact he didn’t give a fuck about the other women. His only concern was for his two right here.

“I want you inside. It’s not safe.”

“Hawk, I’ve seen the guys all around the property. You’ve got three men at the front of the gate at all times, not to mention Prospects walking around the entire clubhouse. We’re fine.”

“Yeah, and at my place you had me. I’m as good as it’s going to get for protection.”

“Excellent, sit with us,” she said. “That way we get the protection you want us to have and we also get to sit in the sun and bask in the heat. It’s too hot inside.”

“Fine.” It was actually really safe. He was just being cautious.

They were closer to finding out who’d ordered the hit. He’d reached out to Stones’s crew, and they had told him it wasn’t them. That the order they had for guns was for a transaction with someone else. As soon as he had all the details about the order of guns, as well as the information that two of his club boys had done during their recon, he’d figure out the best way to deal with the club involved. It was another MC; he knew that for a fact. He wouldn’t even think of their name because by the time he was done with them, they weren’t going to exist. No one would remember them.

Taking a seat on the grass, he stared at his little girl, who was shaking a rattle. Every now and again, she’d go to crawl and he’d hear Jasmine’s soft laughter. Considering she was shot yesterday she was doing okay.

They’d gotten to talk last night, and he enjoyed it. It was weird for him to admit something like that, but he actually enjoyed just sitting with her, talking. No woman in his life had ever made him say that.

He often found them annoying, tedious, and only good for one thing.

Jasmine wasn’t like that.

She moved, and he saw her wince.

“How’s the shoulder?” he asked.

“It’s fine. A little sore. My body is fine though. I guess I can’t complain really. I had three men holding me down. Not many women could say that.”

He burst out laughing.


“Some of the women can top that.”

“Oh, my God, I can’t believe you just went there.” She laughed. “You’re going to have to watch your language around this one. Pretty soon, she’d be shocking you with her words.”

“Yeah, I can imagine.” He stroked Bethany’s cheek. She looked up at him and smiled. She was growing up so fast.

“You really do love her?” she asked.

“She’s my first kid. My only kid. Don’t ask me to talk about her mother. I never will. Bethany deserved better than that traitor, got me?”

Jasmine held her hands up. “I won’t say a word. When you look at her, I can see your love for her. It’s nice.”

“Regardless of where she came from, she’s my flesh and blood. I’ll do anything for her.” He reached out and placed a hand near her shoulder. Jasmine jerked back just a touch.

“Sorry, I thought you were going to touch it.”


