The Butcher (Ruthless Sinners MC #10) Read Online L. Wilder

Categories Genre: Biker, Dark, Mafia, MC, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Ruthless Sinners MC Series by L. Wilder

Total pages in book: 81
Estimated words: 77198 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 386(@200wpm)___ 309(@250wpm)___ 257(@300wpm)

He’d made me see that a good man also makes you feel safe—not only physically but mentally. He has to be honest, even when it’s easier to stretch the truth or just flat-out lie. He listens without judgment. He’s present and attentive, and he simply allows you to be you. That was Billy.

He was all those things and more, which was why I was starting to have feelings for him. I knew I was setting myself up for a heartache, but then again, maybe a heartbreak was exactly what I needed—at least then, I would know I was still alive.

I’d spent the past five years feeling utterly numb. I simply went through the motions, never feeling anything, but being with Billy made me realize I didn’t want to live like that anymore. I wanted to take chances and feel things. I wanted to live out my days to the fullest, but with DeLuca on our coattails, I feared my days were numbered.

But then again, no one was guaranteed tomorrow.

I had today, and I was determined to make the best of it.

As soon as Billy was done with his work, we made a couple of sandwiches, then put them in a cooler with some drinks and snacks. Billy grabbed a blanket from the back closet, and then we were on our way. I had no idea where we were going, and I didn’t care. I was just excited to be getting out and about for a little while.

We hadn’t been driving long when Billy turned down an old gravel road. It was lined with beautiful oak trees that created a tunnel of leaves and branches, shading us from the blaring sun. The road ended right next to a small creek bed that was hidden beneath the trees. The water rolled and babbled through the moss-covered rocks, beckoning anyone in its path to come to take a dip. I was in complete awe of its beauty as I muttered, “Oh, Billy. It’s beautiful.”

“I thought you might like it.”

“I love it!” I could feel my smile growing wider as I told him, “I haven’t been to a creek since I was a kid, and even then, it wasn’t nearly as amazing as this.”

“This has always been one of my favorite spots.”

“I can see why.”

The tomboy in me was itching to get my feet in the water, so I jumped out of the truck and raced over to the creek. I kicked off my shoes and socks, then stepped into the clearest water I’d ever seen. I looked back over at Billy as I smiled and said, “It’s freezing!”

“It stays cold all year long.” He motioned his hand above us as he explained, “I’m sure it has something to do with all the shade.”

“Probably so.”

“You ready for a bite to eat?”


Billy grabbed our stuff from the back seat, then brought it over to the creek’s bank. I’d hoped he might come and join me, but instead, he laid out the blanket and started unpacking the cooler. I waded in the water a moment longer, then got out and made my way over to the blanket. As I sat down, I asked, “Do you come out here often?”

“Not since Kiersten moved out.” He offered me a sandwich as he added, “She used to love to spend the day out here. She’d wade out in the water for hours trying to catch little blue gill with her bare hands, but as she got older, she wanted to spend time with her friends and lost interest in hanging out with her ol’ man.”

“That tends to happen with girls.”

“Yeah, I know and I get it that she had to grow up, but it was tough to let go.” He chuckled as he admitted, “She’s graduated from college and has a career of her own, and it’s still tough.”

“Sounds like you two were pretty close.”

“We were when she was younger, but things changed after her mother died.” His expression grew somber as he explained, “I made some mistakes, and it really affected our relationship. I’ve been trying everything I can to make it up to her.”

“I’m sure it means a lot to her that you’re trying.”

“I think so. I still hate that I made such a mess of things.” He took a bite of his PB&J, then decided to completely change the subject by asking, “How about you? Have you thought about having kids?”

“Me?” His question caught me off guard, so I took a quick sip of my soda before answering, “Yeah, I’ve thought about it, and I want them. I just haven’t really had the opportunity.”

“No, you certainly haven’t.”

“I still have time... I just have to find a way to survive this whole thing with DeLuca first.”

“You will.” Billy’s expression grew intense as he assured me, “I’ll make sure of it.”


