The Christmas Mac-n-Cheese Mystery Read Online M.A. Innes

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, BDSM, Erotic, M-M Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 78
Estimated words: 74803 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 374(@200wpm)___ 299(@250wpm)___ 249(@300wpm)

“I like pouting, but I like Jacki more.” That was delivered with such drama that I had to bite my cheek to keep from laughing.

“Jacki is a good friend, so I understand.” Pouting was important, though. That was good to know. “What else do you and Jacki play besides coloring?”

That seemed a safer topic or at least a less dramatic one.

“I got Play-Doh and I got shows and I got toys and I got crafts.” Another sigh said I was going to get another good drama moment. “But I can’t use scissors without a grown-up like a Daddy ’cause we fixed Jacki’s shirt and his Daddy was mad.”

Fixing seemed to imply cutting, but I was just glad hair hadn’t been involved.

“Sometimes you need help to fix problems, so I’m glad you have good rules to keep everyone safe and from getting in trouble.” I wasn’t going to change the no scissors rule until I knew exactly what they’d fixed, but Russie’s pout said he’d hoped I’d have given him a different response.

“Jacki’s Daddy likes everyone being good even when he’s not around.” The sigh that accompanied his statement had me back to biting my lips.

“That’s understandable.” I’d already figured out the answer to my next question but I wanted to hear it from Ruslan’s point of view, so I asked anyway. “So Jacki comes over to play without his Daddy sometimes?”

I’d accidentally stumbled upon that fact, but I wasn’t sure about the how or whys for it.

“I work when I’m big. Jacki works when he’s big. Jacki’s Daddy works when he’s big.” Russie evidently thought the fact that everyone had to work was tragic. “Everybody works, so we have playtime when Jacki’s Daddy is working sometimes. But we’re good boys. Jacki’s Daddy gives us juice boxes and cookies as a treat and we color him pictures.”

That filled in the gaps on why Jacki’s Daddy had been heading over to Ruslan’s place after a late class. I’d caught him walking across campus and he’d shared just enough details to make me realize that Ruslan was little.

I’d already suspected it, but after a few offhand remarks about his day, I’d pieced together the rest.

“Maybe sometime I could make your snack while you have a playdate with Jacki?” Given his love of dessert and lack of a desire to bake, I tentatively made the offer. “I could bake cookies for you and get you both your cups?”

“Jacki’s Daddy doesn’t bake cookies.” Ruslan gave me a very evil villain kind of smile. “Daddy Dante bakes cookies from the fridge? The pull-apart cookies?”

Was he aiming to see if he was going to have the best Daddy?

“I was thinking about making you chocolate chip cookies from scratch. You could help me pour in the ingredients and mix.” My offer had his eyes going wide.

“I could help?” He wiggled closer, giving me a sweetly manipulative smile. “I like cookies, Daddy Dante.”

I probably shouldn’t encourage it, but I couldn’t help smiling. “I’m glad. I like making treats for a cute little boy, and I’d really like to make cookies for you.”

“From scratch.” Russie wiggled happily. “And I can share with Jacki?”

I was pretty sure that was him asking if he could brag, so I nodded. “Of course, you’ll have to tell him all about it and we’ll definitely share.”

His adorably evil giggle said he was going to love every second he got to explain about our cookie plans. “Good boys share.”

“That’s right.” He wasn’t wrong. “So we’ll have to make sure we always have special goodies for you to share. Like brownies or peanut butter cookies.”

Both I knew were big Ruslan’s favorites, so I wasn’t surprised when his smile got even wider. “Jacki said you were a good Daddy.”

Was that one of the reasons he’d agreed to let me come over?

“Well, that was very nice of Jacki to say. I like talking to his Daddy and playing with Jacki. He’s a very good boy for his Daddy.” Deciding to tease a bit, I leaned over and whispered. “But his Daddy gets grumpy when Jacki plays with another Daddy.”

That made Russie laugh so hard he tipped over. As he scrambled to sit up, he had another maniacal grin on his face. “Yes, Jacki’s Daddy gets growly and Jacki laughed and then his Daddy did naughty things.”

So it sounded like Ruslan knew Jacki’s Daddy got jealous, and Jacki knew it too, and somehow that led to naughty shenanigans.

Got it.

“Oh, you’re so sweet they shouldn’t do naughty things where you can see or hear them.” Pretending to be shocked had him laughing even more.

“Yes.” When he finally sat up again, he leaned close and nodded. “I’m a good boy and that means I get lots of treats and rewards.”

As I tried not to break out into laughter, I did my best to look serious. “Yes, I’m sure you’re a very good boy who deserves lots of rewards like desserts and…and what else would be a special reward?”


