The Forbidden Read online Jodi Ellen Malpas

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Angst, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 124
Estimated words: 115737 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 579(@200wpm)___ 463(@250wpm)___ 386(@300wpm)

I step inside the lift with a guy and scan the list of companies on the wall sign to the side.

‘What floor?’ he asks.

‘Ten, please,’ I answer, my scanning eyes freezing when I make a note of the companies that operate from floor ten. ‘What?’ I say out loud, my mouth going dry. I look up to see we’re at floor eight already. ‘Oh no,’ I squeak, turning back to face the doors just as they slide open and reveal the biggest silver engraved sign saying JACK JOSEPH CONTRACTORS, above a sign that says BRAWLER’S. They share a floor?

‘You okay, love?’ the man asks, waiting for me to exit. No. No, I’m not okay.

I force myself out of the lift, looking cautiously around, not quite believing that I’ve found myself in Jack’s office. It’s modern, smart and impressive. Just like Jack.

I announce myself at Brawler’s reception, then take a seat in the waiting area, unable to stop my eyes from flitting everywhere nervously. He might not be here. He might be out for a meeting. I’m scanning the space again, reaching up and loosening the floral tasselled scarf that I have wrapped around my neck. I feel like I’m suffocating. I can’t deny I would love to see him, but I can’t promise I’ll be able to keep my hands to myself. Is he here?

And like he’s heard me ask, a door across the waiting area opens and Jack walks out, fastening his suit jacket. Good Lord, he looks too delicious for his own good, his grey suit pristine, his tie perfectly knotted and his hair a sexy mess. Fucking hell. He looks straight at me, like he knew I’d be here, and then it occurs to me: he did know I’d be here.

Jack strides forward with purpose until he comes to a stop before my seated form. His hand comes up and cups his chin, stroking down his scruff as he stares at me. ‘Annie,’ he rasps, making my heart gallop and my tummy flutter. He presents his hand. ‘Good to see you.’

I briefly close my eyes to gather myself. He needs to stop saying my name, and I really shouldn’t entertain his prompt to make physical contact with him. I’m already struggling to cool down my rising temperature before I burst into flames at his feet. ‘You too.’ I push myself to my feet and place my hand in his, for no other reason than the receptionist will think it odd if I don’t. I go stiff from head to toe when he locks me in his grasp, squeezing gently, his grey eyes dancing. ‘Gotcha,’ he whispers.

My mouth drops open a little, and I quickly and discreetly reclaim my hand and look away from him before I give myself away. ‘Don’t say that,’ I warn seriously, at risk of self-combusting. I look up through my lashes and catch his mild grin. ‘You knew I’d be here.’

‘I recommended you.’ He shrugs like it’s nothing.

‘Why would you do that?’

He leans forward, bringing his face close to mine. ‘Because I wanted to lure you here under false pretences so I can fuck you over my desk.’

My mouth falls open in shock and my panicked eyes quickly scope the surroundings. ‘I should slap you,’ I retort indignantly when I’ve ensured no one’s in earshot.

He laughs softly. ‘I recommended you because you are an amazing architect and I just know you can pull this off. Plus, my company will be doing the build so it means I’ll get to see you more.’

I narrow suspicious eyes on him. ‘So it’s not a completely selfless move?’

‘We’re all winners.’ He signals me down the corridor on a cheeky grin that I can’t help but match. I can’t believe he’s done this. ‘We’re in Brawler’s boardroom. Last door on the right.’ I take the lead, following Jack’s extended arm. ‘And after the meeting, I want you on my desk,’ he whispers into my ear, making my shoulders roll and a shudder travel down my backbone.

‘You’re coming into the meeting?’ I ask, my alarm growing. I have to be all professional in front of him? Jesus, I’ve been trying to do that since I found out he’s Colin’s contractor, and I’ve not been very successful.

‘I’m coming into the meeting.’

Oh God. ‘Please don’t look at me.’

‘You’re asking the impossible, Annie,’ he says seriously, slowing to a stop when the lady from reception appears, looking apologetic.

‘Mr Joseph, your wife is on the line.’

I nearly dislodge a back tooth with the force of my bite, discreetly looking at Jack. His face definitely takes on an edge of unease. ‘Tell her I’m in a meeting.’ He clears his throat and overtakes me, opening the door to the boardroom and gesturing me in.

I wander past Jack, glancing up at him. He smiles, but it’s small and strained. I hate that just the mention of his wife wipes away the sparkle in his eyes that I love so much. It makes me want to take him and run away, to get him away from the source of his misery. And now my misery too.


