The Life – Rebirth (The Life #4) Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Mafia, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: The Life Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 125
Estimated words: 115272 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 576(@200wpm)___ 461(@250wpm)___ 384(@300wpm)

“I don’t know, five, six. Why?”

“I’ve been looking for Gia all this time, never stopped. Do you think I would do that if I thought there was the slightest chance that she would hurt you? She won’t. You might have to grovel a lot because, I mean, that was a dumb fuck thing to do, but I’ll give you some pointers. Now you’re gonna wanna open a few accounts at some of the more high-end boutiques in the city….”

It took me a minute to realize that Pop was pulling my leg. I wish it could be that easy, but even I would be ashamed of myself if I thought for a second that that was the answer. “No, in all seriousness Gabe, be patient, admit that you were wrong, but don’t just say it, accept it, know it, and don’t do it again.”

“The fact that she’s coming back here means that she still has feelings for you. Let that be the thing you hold onto until you meet again.” I know what he’s saying, but I still feel like I cheated. The betrayal feels the same, I think. For two years, she’s been living with that without even knowing the reasons behind it.

What’s even worst is that I’d shown her a glimpse of happiness before taking it all away again without warning. I guess another one of Martin’s questions bore more weight here. Did I hate myself? My actions now appear to be self-sabotaging. The people I kept at arm’s length, the way I lived my life always from the outside looking in, alone in a roomful of people. Now it feels like I’m getting a second chance.

Once again, the hacker was waiting for me like a stalker. He waited only long enough for me to sign in before starting to type. “You’ll hear something soon.” And again, he was gone. I decided to go with my gut, and instead of trying to find this guy myself, which as good as he is, could take hours, I went to the one connection I kept coming back to.

“Memnon!” He, too, had been idling in the chat as if waiting. What’s up with all these people knowing my every move? Pop! I won’t lie; it’s invigorating trading wits with someone who thinks like me.

“I’m here.”

“Is Mancini your boss?”

“I knew you would figure it out eventually, but actually, Lyon is my boss; Mancini just took point this time.”

“Did you say, Lyon?”

Lyon, I know exactly where I’d heard that name. Gianna’s maternal family name. What are the odds?

“Has he been to Virginia lately?”

“Yes, how did you know?”

“Aren’t you on an island?” Which island did he ever say? No, private, that’s all he’d ever divulged. Lyon, Mancini, Andros. Who are these people?

“Yes, I was, now I’m back stateside; I’m about to drop off something in your neighborhood.”


“Now!” I jumped up from my chair just as the door to my room opened, and Lance was standing there. I thought he was here to give me shit about disappearing again.

“Not now, Lancelot, I have to….”

“Gia is back in town, bro.” He had an odd look on his face.

“Where is she?” I got a sinking feeling in my gut at his reaction.

“I just saw her going into her old place. I stopped to say hi, but uh…. I don’t know how to say this, but she’s engaged.”

“Gabe, chill, it’s me.”

I felt like a malfunctioning AI specimen. My head was literally glitching, and the light in the room kept going from bright to dark and back again. Why is he telling me that it’s him? I know who he is. Then I felt his hands on my hands. The hands I’d grabbed him around the neck with, the hands that were poised to kill.

I stepped back, feeling sick to my stomach. “What did you say? You know, what, never mind.” I heard him calling out for the ninja turtles as I hurried from the guesthouse, and then the sound of feet rushing as I jumped into the first car I saw and took off. I saw him in my rearview mirror just standing there, but it did not register; nothing did. Not the rush of pavement beneath the tires or the squeal of tires against asphalt when I came to a stop in her driveway.

I laid on the doorbell for what felt like minutes, and just as I was about to kick it in, she answered. I took her in, head to toe; she looked fine.

“Where is he? Did you forget what I told you? You…can’t… live… in front of me…with someone else. Now, where is he?”

“You can't be here. I'm getting married in a few weeks. My fiancé….”

“You were that's dead.” I advanced on her until she ran into a wall and held her hostage there.

“You can't be serious...”


