The Lyon’s Cub Caitlin Read online Jordan Silver (Lyon The Next Generation #1)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Funny, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors: Series: Lyon The Next Generation Series by Jordan Silver

Total pages in book: 185
Estimated words: 172387 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 862(@200wpm)___ 690(@250wpm)___ 575(@300wpm)

“Jared I’m heading out.” I was playing it close but what the hell.

“Why don’t we come with you?”

“The fuck for? I’m going to my kids’ school, I don’t need backup.”

“Yeah, but the last time you went there by yourself things didn’t go so well.”

“Kat called you didn’t she? I wish you two would keep your noses outta my shit.”

“Whatever, I’m coming. Unless you want to spend another night down at the station explaining to your father in law why you threatened to burn down the people’s school again.”

“Do what you want.” Worse than a fucking old woman. I didn’t wait around for them to get their shit together but headed for my ride and left them to it. I was five minutes out before I saw the lot of them in my mirror. He brought the whole damn crew. Guy’s losing it the older he gets.

I was already pissed by the time I pulled into the schoolyard, which did not bode well for this woman if she said some shit to me that I didn’t like. Last time I was here Mengele had done some shit to their lab and they wanted to expel my kid, like fuck. I paid for the shit and warned her off my kid. I can’t even begin to imagine what the fuck my little terror had done to them this time.

She’s been very secretive the last few days and I still have yet to find out where she put the bug or whatever the fuck it is she has planted in my place. I’m waiting for Mancini to come and find that shit.

I hopped off my ride and walked back to where Jared and the boys were now pulling in. “You fucks stay out here I won’t be long.” The place was dead quiet which I knew would change in about fifteen minutes when the hellions got out of class, so I beat feet to the principal’s office to get this shit over with.

The secretary acted like she’d been waiting all day for me to show up and just waved me right on in. “She’s expecting you Mr. Lyon, go right on in.” I don’t see how she knew when I was coming since I didn’t call and give them a time.

The old woman who’d been here when I went to school here sat behind the same desk that I’d seen a million times. Come to think of it, I’ve been in here more often since I left than when I was a student here. My damn kids stay their asses in trouble.

She looked up when I walked in and got that nervous look on her face. “I’m here!” I didn’t wait for her to offer, just sat my ass in the visitor’s chair across from her. I love fucking with her don’t know why.

Maybe because she’s so damn easy. Or it could be the fact that she likes to call my wife and complain about me each time we have one of these get-togethers.

“Mr. Lyon thanks for coming. Um…” She fidgeted under my intense stare. I know she has no good intentions calling my ass here. For some reason they didn’t want Kat, so it can only mean one thing, fucking Mengele. I have five kids in this school and have never been here this much for anyone else but her.

“Pretty sure I already told you people, between eight and three she’s yours. The fu…what did she do this time?”

I looked around the room and out the window of her office before bringing my attention back to her.

“Well, you see, there was a bit of an issue last week with Caitlin…”

I was almost out of my seat. “What does that mean?” She started wringing her hands and biting into her lip.

Now, when my wife does that shit it makes my dick hard as a fucking steel pipe, this one, not so much. Her shit was pissing me the fuck off because I knew she was going to tell me some off colored shit that’s going to get somebody killed.

“Start talking lady or I’ll bring your shit down in one-two…” She held out her hand as if to ward me off. “Well, there was just a minor issue with one of the boys picking on her. No-no-no I said that wrong, it came out wrong. Mr. Lyon please.”

She was back peddling fast because this time I did make it out of my chair. “Where’s my kid?”

“Caitlin is fine, that’s not why we called you here today.”

Do these fucks have any idea what this shit does to a man? To hear that some fuck happened to his kid on their watch?

“Lady, if you don’t start making sense this is not going to end well.”

I retook my seat before she cried foul or some fuck. She looks like the type to make up some shit and the asshole cops around here stay knowing that I would indeed fuck anyone’s shit up man or woman. And kids over the age of sixteen. Males…fucking fucknuts.


