The Throwbacks Read Online Jordan Silver

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Dark, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 94
Estimated words: 86160 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 431(@200wpm)___ 345(@250wpm)___ 287(@300wpm)

I probably should’ve said something to someone, but I felt silly since I had no proof. That night I came back to the dorm from my job at the diner where I’d walked my feet into the ground, and not for the first time wished I could be like one of those trust fund babies whose daddies had deep pockets.

I knew getting an education was the only way to break the cycle of trailer trash teenage motherhood that was prevalent where I came from, but some days I wished things could be easier.

I wish I could just concentrate on school and not have to worry about anything else, but my scholarship didn’t cover much more than my classes and the room I shared with my roommate. I still had to feed and clothe myself.

Mom was no help; all her money was spent on booze and whatever no good man she was shacking up with at the moment. I fumed silently as I took my shower before bed.

I turned out the lights and fell into sleep the way I always do after a long night slinging hash and grits. I don’t know how much time had gone by, how long I was out before I felt something or someone in the room with me.

Somehow, I knew it wasn’t my roommate because of the way the person seemed to stay in the shadows. Great, the one night she was away. I kept my eyes closed as sudden fear overtook me. I wanted to jump off the bed and run but my limbs refused to work.

I sensed movement coming from the corner and squeezed my eyes shut tighter. He was coming closer. I don’t know how I knew it was a male, but who else would sneak into my room in the middle of the damn night?

When I felt as if the intruder was leaning over me in the little twin bed, I willed myself not to open my eyes. I knew if he knew I was awake that might only make things worse. I remained still, my body tense as I awaited his next move.

I felt his hand gently brush the hair at my temple and held my breath. “Soon Angel.” I think that’s what the dark shadow said. What did he mean? I stupidly opened my eyes when the hand on my brow went away, but by the time they adjusted to the dark whoever he was-was gone.

I put it down to my overactive imagination or tried to, but somehow I wasn’t convinced. It could be that I was so tired my mind was playing tricks on me. I mean who in their right mind would sneak into my room? I didn’t know anyone here, hadn’t had time between school and work to form any friendships.

By the next morning, I put the whole thing out of my mind and went on with my life.


I’ve kept myself busy gathering all the personal information I could on my angel. I went through her garbage, followed her to and from work, and in the daytime while she was in class I read up on all I’d need to take care of a nurturing mother to be.

After that one night when I’d slipped into her room and had almost been caught, I’d satisfied myself with watching her from afar. The little chart I’d started keeping after finding the tampons in her trash told me all I needed to know about her breeding season, and I knew down to the day when I would snatch her and bring her home.

As the day drew near, I grew more and more excited at the change my life was about to take. I didn’t let myself think of what could go wrong, and in the end I decided to take her one day early just in case something did go amiss.

I’d held myself back from jacking off to the pictures I’d snapped of her that night when I’d broken into her apartment, four days ago. I wanted my seed to be potent so that she’d catch on the first try. I was already born by the time daddy was my age and mama wasn’t much older than she is now.

Besides if I wanted to have as many kids as I planned on it was best she get started now. I didn’t want her body to wear out and all the books said she should be done having kids by the age of thirty. That gave us eleven years. I figure six kids in that amount of time was just fine.

With everything ready, three hours before it was time to go fetch my woman, I cleaned myself up before heading into town to stock up on some things. Pregnant women needed healthy food, not the can crap I usually fed myself. I hadn’t gone shopping sooner because I wanted the stuff to be as close to fresh as possible.


