The Vanished Specialist Read online K. Webster (Lost Planet #2)

Categories Genre: Alien, Erotic, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: The Lost Planet Series by K. Webster

Total pages in book: 47
Estimated words: 43589 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 218(@200wpm)___ 174(@250wpm)___ 145(@300wpm)

After a quick check of the time, I head for the comms system. Without fail, I send out a broadcast every solar at the same time in hopes Breccan and the others can hear my messages. I never receive feedback, but I try each solar nonetheless. I have warned them of Lox, told them of the success of Emery’s surgery, and that we are safe and healthy. I have told them numerous times that until this massive storm that is looking to last an entire revolution moves on, we will most likely be stuck here. There are solars I long to put my nog together with Avrell or Breccan to discuss important issues, but mostly I am satisfied being here uninterrupted with my mate.

“This is Calix, acting commander of Sector 1779. Do you read me?”


“All is well in our Sector. I apologize on our failure to bring back the supplies you had requested. While there is certain technology here that could be useful, there is nothing that you do not already have at the facility. Galen, if you are listening, cabbus ball is a great source of nutrition for the females. It is not something us morts usually choose to eat, but it is incredibly palatable for the females. Have Hadrian search the underground wells.” That young mort can barely sit still and since he is Aria’s hand, this duty should go to him. The image of him crawling around on the cave floors is amusing to me. “The ground is soft there and cabbus balls could be growing there. If they are, boil them and sprinkle sodiumchloridus crumbs.” I chuckle. “Trust me when I say Aria will enjoy this.” I let out a sigh and scan my lab. There is always so much to do and work on. “Jareth, if you are listening, I could really use you. Some of the metals around here are old and outdated. I would love to repurpose them but don’t have your skillset. Perhaps you can get Ozias to finally fix the comms system so we can speak.” I pull off my spectacles and pinch the bridge of my nose. “I miss you morts. All of you. Even Draven’s surly self.”

It is true. I would give anything to sit around the table with Breccan at the head and Draven standing nearby, leading our charge of morts. To watch Jareth and Sayer doodle notes back and forth to each other. To listen to Avrell excitedly tell us about a new medical breakthrough. To watch Hadrian bounce up and down in his seat like a mortyoung even though he is bigger than most of us old morts. To marvel over Oz and Theron’s newest tweak to the Mayvina. To sit beside Galen in his always filthy lab coat and discuss plants with him, for once not being put off by the thought of bacteria crawling all over him.

“I must sign off for now. Much work is to be done. I miss you all and hope to see you again one solar soon.”

I click off the comms system and let out a heavy sigh. When two small hands grip my shoulders, I do not jolt in surprise but instead lean back. Emery is a miracle worker with her hands. She has a way of kneading my knotted muscles back into a relaxed state.

“You know where those hands always lead us,” I say in warning.

She laughs. “Maybe that was the plan all along.”

We have been stranded here for many micro-revolutions, or months as Emery calls them, and we have fallen into a bit of a routine. Some solars, though, Emery mixes it up and things get a little filthy.

I do not even shudder anymore.

Once, I took her against the floor in her plant room as her dirty fingernails clawed at me. It was quick and crazed, but I had loved every second of it. Not once did I fret over microorganisms.

She swivels me in my chair until I am facing her. My gaze skims over her beautiful features. Eyes so blue. A pert nose. Always rosy cheeks and the poutiest lips ever. I love how with time, her cheeks are no longer hollow and her skin is never blue.

Tugging her to me, I pull her into my lap so she straddles me. I am always hard and ready to go in her presence. This solar is no different. My cock aches and throbs where she sits on it.

“Any luck on the comms?” she asks, her finger pushing my hair from my eyes. Since we have taken up residence here, I have not cut it. I thought about it, but Emery seems to play with it more the longer it gets. I am quite fond of the relaxing way it feels to have her fingers scratching along my scalp. Pretty soon, I will have hair to my shoulders like Theron.


