The Wallflower Wager Read online Tessa Dare

Categories Genre: Historical Fiction, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 78
Estimated words: 75705 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 379(@200wpm)___ 303(@250wpm)___ 252(@300wpm)

Penny’s stomach churned. Ever since her aunt’s visit, the prospect of returning to Cumberland had loomed over her like a thundercloud, oppressive and dark. The mere idea of living in that house, sleeping in that room . . .

She couldn’t go back. She wouldn’t.

“Mr. Duke offered to assist me with a few tasks. It’s in his financial interests that I remain in Bloom Square.”

“Oh, I’m certain it’s in his interests. Haven’t you heard what he did to Lord Fairdale?”

Penny bounced Richmond on her knee. “I hadn’t heard, actually.”

“I’ll tell you. First, he bought up all the man’s paper. And I mean all of it. Tracked down every last creditor, from an unsettled wager at White’s to his outstanding balance at the glover’s, rolling them all into one insurmountable debt. Then he drove down the value of stock in a shipping company, leaving Fairdale with nothing of worth to sell. He was left with nothing but a bit of barren land and the crumbling ancestral house.”


“There was nothing of goodness in it. Sheer villainy. He not only mowed that family to field stubble, he salted the earth beneath them. And Fairdale hasn’t been his only victim. The man means to gather England’s best families into a bundle of sticks and break them over his knee. You cannot have anything to do with him. The danger is too great.”

“The danger of what?”

He spread his arms. “Isn’t it obvious? He wants to ruin you.”

“Ash, please.” Emma covered her son’s ears. “Not in front of Richmond.”

“He’s isn’t even two years old. It’s not as if he can understand.” Nevertheless, Ash ceded to his wife’s request. “The man means to R-U-I-N you.”

Penny sat up straight. “Are you suggesting Mr. Duke intends to S-E-D-U-C-E me? How absurd.”

It was absurd, she told herself. Their kiss the other day was not an act of seduction. It was an accident. A moment of madness.

More to the point, it was all her doing.

If anything, she’d taken advantage of him.

Penny shook her head. “He R-U-I-N-S lords’ fortunes, not ladies’ reputations.”

“You never know if he’ll start branching out. If the villain has designs on your dowry, you are too inexperienced to handle him.”

“Oh, I think Penny can handle him,” Emma said innocently. “She’s handled the man quite capably thus far.”

Penny cast a look at her friend. Please don’t.

“I won’t stand for it,” Ash said with force. “Neither will Chase.”


“As usual, it appears I need no introduction.” Chase Reynaud entered the room, linked arm-in-arm with his excessively pregnant wife, Alexandra, and followed by their two wards, Rosamund and Daisy.

“Alex.” Penny handed Richmond to Emma and rushed to embrace her friend tightly—or as tightly as possible, given the obstacle between them. While Rosamund and Daisy mobbed her with kisses, Penny helped her friend waddle to the divan. “I thought you’d entered your confinement.”

“I’m weary of being confined.” Alexandra dropped onto the divan with a thud. “Besides, Ash said we were needed at once. I’m not certain why.”

Ash said, “Tell her, Chase.”

Chase stood tall and leveled a finger at Penny with unconvincing severity. “You cannot live next to that man. Don’t you know what he did to Lord Fairdale? The villain—”

“Bought up his debts, destroyed his investments, and left him with scarcely anything to his name.”

“Yes. What if the bast—”

“Chase,” Alexandra said sharply.

He sighed. “What if the B-A-S-T-E-R-D sets his eyes on you?”

“A,” Rosamund corrected. “B-A-S-T-A-R-D.”

Penny made a suggestion. “Girls, would you kindly run across the square to my house and have a look at Angus? He sneezed yesterday. Perhaps he has a cold.”

“Maybe it’s the plague!” Daisy cheered.

“Probably not,” Penny said. “But you had better go see.”

“Is there any chance he’s dying? I don’t want him to die, of course. But it’s ever so exciting when there’s a chance.”

“Daisy, he’s not dying.” Rosamund tugged her younger sister by the hand. “They’re trying to be rid of us so they can discuss adult matters.”

The younger girl pouted. “Pooh.”

Once the children were out of earshot, Ash continued with his lecture. “Penny, you don’t have to listen to us. Just look at the papers. They’ve taken to calling him the Duke of Ruin.”

“Not so very long ago, the papers called you the Monster of Mayfair,” she pointed out. “I know better than to heed the scandal sheets.”

“It’s not merely rumor.” Chase pulled up a chair. “The man’s deliberately set about driving well-heeled families to the brink of insolvency.”

“Not just driving them to the brink,” Ash said. “He tips them over the edge. Who’s to say he doesn’t have the same in mind for you?”

“He would find it impossible. My brother Bradford keeps the estate finances on a foundation of bedrock.”

“Even if he can’t touch your family’s money,” Chase said, “you do have a dowry.”

“If you won’t protect yourself,” Ash warned, “we will have to take protective measures on your behalf.”


