Top Secret Read online Elle Kennedy

Categories Genre: College, Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, New Adult, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 102
Estimated words: 98909 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 495(@200wpm)___ 396(@250wpm)___ 330(@300wpm)

And it hits me—I made a guy hard. A guy who wants to blow me and play with my ass.

My phone slides off the bed and onto the floor with a clunk as I jack myself in earnest. He’s kneeling in front of me, his hands on my thighs. His head bobs as he takes me deep. I put one hand on the back of his neck to hold him where I want him. There’s muscle there, not softness...

That’s when I come all over my hand, stroking myself through it, wishing SinnerThree was there to swallow everything I give him.

And then it’s over. I’m sitting here alone with a sticky hand, my heart pounding. I get up and grab a paper towel off the roll I keep on my dresser.

I don’t know what I just learned, except…not one of my thoughts these past ten minutes had anything to do with Annika or her birthday.

The Cops Will Love That


Three or four minutes pass, but LobsterShorts doesn’t text me back. I’ve surreptitiously zipped up my jeans again under the library table. And I’ve put all my books away.

Still. Blank screen.

I don’t know why I should care. But I’m starting to like the guy. I mean—lobster sex! And here I thought nerds were boring. I’ll admit it. I want to meet him.

My phone chimes, and I check it immediately. But it’s only a reminder for the meeting I’m headed back to the frat house to attend.

As I leave the library and walk through the dark, I’m almost regretting my choice to run for president. Meetings are the worst, and I’m basically signing myself up for an endless number of them. Free rent for an entire year sounds like heaven, but is it worth the headache of running a fraternity?

Ugh. Yes. I think it is. Because if I’m not paying rent, I can cut my work hours down to one night a weekend. Or, if I save up enough during the summer? I might not even have to work at all. I could spend my senior year focusing only on school, graduation, and career plans.

And Alpha Delt. But I’m sure the prez duties won’t be half as stressful as working vampire hours all weekend long.

When I get home, I find another meeting already in progress in our dining room. I guess tonight’s the night for meetings. Jako, my campaign manager, hasn’t arrived yet, so I kill time by eavesdropping on the Pledge Committee’s discussion.

The head of the committee is Judd Keller. So I opted out this year.

“Who wants to go first?” Judd asks the guys around the table. “We’ll brainstorm and then choose the best and craziest initiation ideas.”

We tapped our pledges in September, and they’ve been probationary members since then. Now, we put them through hell for seven days before finally making them into full-fledged brothers. Last year, I sat on this committee because every member has to volunteer for something, and at least PC is a short-term commitment. But it was a nightmare, mostly because Judd is so fucking annoying.

“Maybe the pledges should do the paperclip challenge,” a senior named Paul suggests.

“The what?” Judd asks. “Is that, like, a physical exercise?”

“No. We divide them into three teams of four. Each team gets a paperclip. And they have three days to trade it for something worthwhile. In this case it should be something they can donate to charity. They trade the paperclip for a pencil. They trade the pencil for a pen. They trade the pen for a stapler. And so on.” Paul shrugs. “I learned about it in one of my management classes.”

“What the hell for?” Judd asks.

“A couple things. It gets you comfortable asking for stuff, which is a life skill. You have to be willing to hear no if you’re ever going to hear yes.”

Judd begins to sneer. “I think I read that in a self-help book once.”

“I don’t know,” says Ahmad Mithani. “I kind of like it. It’s a nice break from the Haggar’s Rules of Hazing.”

I laugh, because I can’t help myself. “Wait, there’s a hazing canon?”

Judd’s head swivels in my direction. “What the hell, Bailey. You’re not even on this committee! Fuck off.”

I stifle a grin. “Sorry. Just waiting for my committee to arrive. Is this house teeming with committees or what?”

Paul snickers softly.

“Don’t mind me,” I assure them. I make a zipping motion over my mouth. “I’ll keep quiet.”

Although Judd is red-faced, he doesn’t argue. What’s he going to do, kick me out of my own house? The dining room is off the living room, which is where I’m supposed to meet my campaign manager.

“I don’t mind the paperclip challenge,” Ahmad says with a shrug. “It’s mildly humiliating, but with real purpose.”

“They could just contribute money to a charity instead,” Judd mumbles. “But, fine. Put it on the list of possibilities.”


