Two of a Kind Read online Ella Goode (FU High #3)

Categories Genre: College, Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult Tags Authors: Series: FU High Series by Ella Goode

Total pages in book: 35
Estimated words: 33230 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 166(@200wpm)___ 133(@250wpm)___ 111(@300wpm)

Mark pulls his shirt off but no one calls out his name once they see what he has to offer. I have to fight a laugh. He’s let himself go since football season is over. I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt, though, and pretend that he’s new here and that no one knows his name. We won’t mention that the ring announcer just said it.

Brad keeps his eyes trained on Mark as the bell rings. He takes a few steps into the ring looking completely relaxed. Mark swings right for Brad’s face. I hold my breath but Brad lifts his arm blocking the punch with his forearm. He lets Mark have the second hit that goes into his side. He barely flinches when the punch connects.

I can’t believe that Mark is really this dumb. Brad is going to knock his ass out. Or maybe he’ll play with him some. I’m not really sure which. The same thing happens three more times, making the count four hits. I can’t tell how hard Mark’s hits land but Brad doesn't seem to be in pain. I know Brad can keep his face blank if he wants to no matter what is really going on, so his expression really doesn’t tell me much.

Mark’s face is turning redder by the second. Brad hasn’t even thrown one hit yet. He stands there waiting for Mark to make his next move. I’m guessing it will be his last. Mark says something and I think I hear my name before he throws another right hook. Brad takes it to the jaw, not blocking it this time. His head barely turns from the blow. I gasp, my hand flies over my mouth. It isn’t Brad who cries out in pain, though. It’s Mark as he grabs his own hand in pain. The whole room goes quiet.

“Think you broke a few fingers,” Brad says as he flexes his jaw. Mark holds his hand close to his chest. “I heard what you said about my girl.” Brad shakes his head. What did Mark say about me? I drop the hand that I’ve just noticed I still have over my mouth. “Now I have to break your jaw.”

Before he finishes even saying it he swings. A loud snap sounds in the room. The crowd erupts as Mark hits the hard concrete. Brad isn’t done though. He leans down, grabbing Mark’s rapidly swelling face in his hand. “Now you won’t have to worry about trying to keep your mouth shut. I did it for you.” He drops Mark’s head and faces me. Our eyes meet over the crowd and they slowly part as he makes his way toward me.

My eyes are fixed on his. He stops in front of me. His body is slick with sweat but he still wears that cocky smile.

“Took you long enough,” I tease. “I thought you might toy with him.” He lifts me from the pallets, putting me down on my feet.

“Why would I do that when I have sweeter things I can play with?” He smiles before he kisses me. I wonder if his jaw hurts from the punch he took but from the way he’s kissing me I’m guessing not.

“How did you know that fuck would break his hand?” Loren asks, interrupting our mini makeout session.

“The hands are very delicate. For someone who’s never really been in a fight I’m guessing he has no idea how fragile they are.” I look down at mine. My nails are splattered with paint that I didn't scrub off well enough. I have a few calluses too from how I hold my brushes and pencils. I shake my fist. “This hand is missing a few bracelets.” I shake my wrist.

Loren pulls them out of his pocket, giving them back to me. I slide them on as I wait for my money. He pays Brad first then hands me most of his money.

“Holy shit, babe? How much money you carry on you? That’s not safe.”

“She used the bracelets as her buy in.” Brad looks at my wrist.

“They’re Cartier.” I try and play it off.

“How much does one of them cost?” His eyes go from my bracelets to my stack of cash that Loren had to dish out to me.

“You don’t want to know, man,” Loren mumbles.

“You gave one to my sister.” I had that night I’d done her nails. I didn't think Brad noticed. “No wonder she acts like it’s the Holy Grail and won’t let anyone touch it.” I shrug my shoulders and change the subject.

“Are you going to make good on your pre-fight promise or not?” The next thing I know, I’m lifted into the air and placed over Brad’s shoulder. I laugh as I watch the pavement go by until we get to his car.

He opens the door, putting me inside. He kisses me again. I moan into his mouth. I can’t wait to get back home and get a better look at him. Make sure he really isn't hurt anywhere. Then maybe I can dish out a little pleasure for him.


