Unbondable Read online Evangeline Anderson (Kindred Birthright #1)

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Kindred Birthright Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 67092 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 335(@200wpm)___ 268(@250wpm)___ 224(@300wpm)

At every stop on the way to the hub, it seemed to get more crowded until Kara was practically squeezed into a corner. At the next-to-last stop, she heard a deep voice saying, “Excuse me. Make a little room, would you?”

Looking up, she caught sight of the big Unbondable Kindred she and Kaleb had seen the night before. He pushed his way through the crowded transport, politely excusing himself but shoving forward all the same, which made some of the people around him grumble in protest. At last he came to rest beside the Fr’Enson elders, his back half turned to Kara.

He was much closer to her than he had been the night before so she could truly appreciate his size. Goddess, he must be seven and a half feet tall at least! He made even Kara feel short in comparison, which wasn’t easy to do. His wild mane of black hair fell to his shoulders and from where she stood she thought she could catch his scent—something wild and spicy and undeniably masculine.

“Well, I never!” grumbled one of the Fr’Ensons as the Unbondable wedged himself in beside them. “The nerve of some people, pushing their way in like they own the transport!”

The words were spoken loudly enough for anyone to hear them—clearly the Fr’Enson had meant for his complaint to be audible to its intended target.

If someone had complained about her that way, Kara would have gone scarlet with embarrassment and tried to make herself small and inconspicuous but the Unbondable male obviously wasn’t one to be intimidated.

“Excuse me?” He leaned down, looking directly into the Fr’Enson’s saggy face. “Are you talking about me? You got a fuckin’ problem?”

“I most certainly do.” The Fr’Enson puffed up, his saggy skin going round and rigid as a beach ball. Unfortunately, this had the effect of making his sex organ, which had been sagging from his forehead, go rigid as well. It pointed like a purple oversized finger directly at the Unbondable Kindred.

“You better get the fuck away from me,” the Unbondable growled. “I don’t think you can complain about anyone else taking up too much room in the transport when you’re sticking your dick in people’s faces.”

Kara felt a smile tickling the corners of her mouth at the big Kindred’s words. But clearly the Fr’Ensons were not amused.

“How dare you?” demanded the other Fr’Enson elder. He, too, puffed up as big and round as an oversized beach ball which caused the flaccid member dangling between his eyes to go suddenly rigid as well.

They really do look like some kind of obscene unicorns, Kara thought and giggled. Just then the transport jolted to a stop and the two Fr’Enson emissaries were thrown together so that the rigid member of the first Fr’Enson poked the second Fr’Enson in the eye.

“Oh! My eye! You have dishonored my ocular socket with your member!” the second Fr’Enson howled.

“My member has touched the socket of another male! I am dishonored!” wailed the first Fr’Enson. “Stop the transport—I must go for cleansing!”

“I too, must be cleansed,” moaned the other.

“Well,” remarked the big Unbondable. “I guess that’s what the two of you get for being literal dick-heads.”

Kara couldn’t help herself—a shout of laugher escaped her. The two Fr’Ensons stared at her in affronted silence for a moment.

“You…” One of them pointed at her. “How dare you insult us so?”

“Me?” Kara put a hand to her chest. “But I never said anything.”

“The laughter of an unvirtuous female is the worst insult a male can endure,” said the other Fr’Enson, sounding as though he was quoting some kind of religious text. “How dare you flash your teeth at us?”

“I…I…” Kara shook her head and put a hand self-consciously over her mouth.

“If you’re so afraid of being laughed at maybe you should cover your junk before you go out,” the Unbondable rumbled, stepping between her and the Fr’Ensons. “You look fuckin’ ridiculous, you know. Maybe get a jock-strap hat or at least wear some safety goggles so you don’t go poking each other in the eyes when you literally start dicking around.”

Kara laughed again—she couldn’t help it. But she made certain to keep her hand over her mouth when she did, hiding her fangs.

“Outrage! Once more the unvirtuous one laughs at us,” exclaimed one of the Fr’Ensons, pointing at her. He glared at Kara. “I know who you are.”

“What?” Kara shook her head. “But I’ve never even met you before.”

“You are the only female to have fangs—you must be the progeny of the Chancellor of the Kindred High Council.” He nodded decisively, his sex organ bobbing rigidly from his forehead. “Your father will know of this insult. Oh yes—indeed he will.”

“But…” Kara had a sinking feeling in her gut. All their lives, she and Kaleb had been warned to be on their best behavior because of their father’s position on the High Council. Her dad wasn’t going to be happy when he heard the Fr’Enson elders complain about her. Plus, were her fangs really that noticeable? She put a hand to her mouth again, self-consciously.


