Unbondable Read online Evangeline Anderson (Kindred Birthright #1)

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Kindred Birthright Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 71
Estimated words: 67092 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 335(@200wpm)___ 268(@250wpm)___ 224(@300wpm)

She looked in the 3-D viewer to their right to gage the full effect and had to bite back an exclamation of surprise. It wasn’t just the holo-fabric that hid the fact that they were two instead of one—the shapes and coloration of their faces had been changed as well.

Instead of her blonde tresses and Raak’s wild black mane, they both had muddy-green hair now. The long, straggly strands looked like limp seaweed scraped over their scalps. Their eyes were different too—vivid yellow with slitted pupils like a reptile’s—they stared out of the 3-D viewer with an alien expression that was hard to read.

Their skin tones were now a muddy gray and scaled, a little like an alligator’s, Kara thought. Their arms—all four of them—protruded from the sweeping green holo-garment making them look like a single person with two heads and four upper limbs.

“We’re fucking gorgeous, right, baby?” Raak asked, grinning at her as she studied their new look in the viewer. “But this is the way the Yi’pisselons look. So we have to look the same.”

“It’s definitely different, all right,” Kara admitted, shivering as she took in their extremely altered appearance.

She still felt uncertain about the plan but she had to admit that infiltrating a closed planet and disguising themselves as one of the natives definitely fell under the heading of “adventure” which was what she’d asked for.

It was just that riding “piggy-back” on the big Unbondable’s back and pretending they were one person instead of two was a little bit weirder than any adventure she’d ever imagined.

Still, she decided to go with it. Even if being this close to Raak and his warm, enticing scent was kind of distracting…

Suddenly she felt a tingling in her upper jaw, where her fangs had been.

Oh no! Are they growing back out again?

Hastily, Kara felt her teeth with her fingertips. But to her utter relief, her fangs were still tiny and blunt. Hmm, the tingle must have been her imagination.

“Well, baby—are you ready to go down to the surface and do some trading?” Raak asked her.

“Of course!” Kara smiled brightly which looked awful in their current disguise. “Let’s go.”

She just hoped her former fangs didn’t start tingling again. It was a strange sensation and it bothered her more than she liked to admit.


“Okay, I’m going to be the main head and you’ll be the secondary,” Raak told her as they walked into the Yi’pisselon town he had chosen for trading. Or rather he walked and Kara rode on his back. “That means everything I say, you just agree with me. Got it?”

“How come I don’t get to be the primary head?” Kara objected.

He flashed a grin at her, which looked odd with his Yi’pisselon disguise.

“That would be because I know what I have to trade and what I’m looking for and you don’t, baby girl. I’m not being sexist—just practical.”

“All right.” Kara could see his point, though she still didn’t like just being the “yes man” of the two of them. Or would it be the “yes woman” or simply just the “yes head?”

Whatever you wanted to call it, she supposed she could put up with it since they were only going to be here a few hours. Just long enough for Raak to get some of the local art and then they were heading back to the Mother Ship.

She frowned. The thought of going home and never seeing the big Unbondable was stuck in her mind like a splinter in her finger. And like a splinter, the more she worried it, the more it hurt.

I don’t want to never see Raak again, she couldn’t help thinking. We make a great team! He’s funny and sweet and considerate and protective—he has everything any girl would want in a mate.

Well, except for a soul, she reminded herself. Raak didn’t have that and without a soul, no bonding was possible.

But even without a soul, she didn’t want to leave him, she realized. Just being near him made her body react. Especially when she was this near—plastered against his broad back as he carried her into the alien town. His warm scent was working on her again, making her heart pound and the place where her fangs had been tingle once more.

Surreptitiously, Kara felt the blunt little points again. Nope, they still hadn’t grown. So why were they tingling so much?

And it wasn’t just her fangs tingling at this point—the tips of her nipples were suddenly more sensitive too. As soon as she realized that, her pussy joined the chorus—it throbbed hotly between her legs, reminding her that she was spread open with her thighs on either side of Raak’s hips and her crotch rubbing against his lower back.

Kara suddenly wished she could get down from the big Unbondable’s back and press her thighs together to ease the ache that was growing there. She was still only wearing his spare uniform shirt and the thin fabric between her pussy and his back didn’t seem like enough of a barrier.


