Waiting for Willa Read Online Kristen Proby (Big Sky #3)

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Big Sky Series by Kristen Proby

Total pages in book: 74
Estimated words: 73963 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 370(@200wpm)___ 296(@250wpm)___ 247(@300wpm)

“What’s on tap now?” she asks me.

“I have to go pick up Alex from my mom’s, then take him home and get ready for his party. He invited eight little boys to come over, and they’re going to build snow forts.”

“Fun,” she says with a smile. “Your property is perfect for it.”

“It really is. I’ll have a hot chocolate bar set up for them because that’s one of Alex’s favorite things, and cake, of course.”

“Max is excited to come,” she says with a wink.

“He’ll have a rude awakening when he has to watch me wrangle nine little boys.” I shrug. “I guess he has to see the not-so-sexy sides of my life too, huh?”

“I don’t think he’ll find you being a good mom unattractive,” Jenna replies. “I know that he admires you very much for being a good mother.”

“He said that last night,” I agree with a sigh. “And then I was stupid and cried over it because it surprised me.”

“I’m sure he didn’t think it was stupid.”

“He looked mildly terrified,” I admit and shrug. “He never knew what to do with me when I cried.”

“No, Max isn’t good with tears. So, he’s coming to the party today, but do you know when you’ll get to have more one-on-one time with him?”

“No,” I say, shaking my head. “That’s the tough thing, Jenna. I have a kiddo, and I like spending time with him. I’m not willing to farm him out to my mom all the time because I want to go on dates.”

“I don’t think it needs to be that extreme,” she says with a frown. “Max likes Alex. But maybe you could farm him out a couple of evenings a month so you can have an adult dinner with a handsome guy.”

“True. Last night was fun, and if I’m honest, I needed it. Not having to worry about someone spilling their soda or wiping their mouth was a nice break.”

“Max rarely spills his soda,” Jenna agrees. “And if he ever has an issue with spending time with both you and Alex, well, he’s not the guy for you.”

“You’re right.” I nod, feeling better. “You’re absolutely right. So, time will tell. Because Alex is wonderful in small doses, but when real life hits? Fevers and exhaustion, and not getting his way? They’re not often, but they do happen, and it’s not fun.”

“Like you said, time will tell,” she says. “I’m just happy to see you dropping your walls with him.”

“I’m not doing that,” I insist. “I can’t do that, Jenna. The walls are there for a reason. If he wants to get inside of them, he has to make the effort, and I will admit that he’s doing a good job of making an effort. I’ve done my share of resisting.”

“Are you going to keep resisting?”

“It’s hard not to. It’s just been me for so long.”

“I know. I reminded him of that, too. Just remember, if Max offers to help you in any way, it’s because he wants to. He doesn’t do much that he doesn’t want to do.”

“I’m slowly remembering that.” I take a deep breath and pull Jenna in for a hug. “Thank you, for being an amazing best friend, despite the fact that I make drama with your brother.”

“Oh, honey, this isn’t drama. Have you seen The Bachelor? That’s drama. I love you. Tell Alex I’ll bring him his present in a couple of days.”

“Will do. See you later.”


“We made the best fort!” Alex exclaims as he runs into the house, followed by three of his friends. Their cheeks are rosy, and their eyes are shining in excitement.

All of the kids will sleep well tonight.

“We made six forts,” Pierce, Alex’s best friend, reminds him. “And we have to build a road that connects them.”

“Can I get my sled out so we can drag it over the snow and pack it down?” Alex asks. “That’ll be the road.”

“You can do that after cake and presents,” I reply with a smile, tugging his stocking cap off and smoothing down his hair. “Go let your guys know to come in for a while. And shed all of the gear in the garage. I’d rather not have a wet mess in the house.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Alex says excitedly. “C’mon, guys!”

They hurry back outside.

“We have about ten minutes to finish this up,” I inform Max, who’s standing next to me, watching the boys outside with longing in his eyes. “You can go play with them if you want.”

I bump his hip with mine as I move to uncover the cake and put the candles in it.

“I’m happy in here, helping you.”

My cell phone rings.

“That’ll be Jean and Dan. They always FaceTime in so they can watch Alex with his cake and presents.”

“That’s awesome,” Max says with a grin. “I haven’t talked to them in a while. I’ll take the phone, and you finish this.”


