When Gracie Met the Grump Read Online Mariana Zapata

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Paranormal, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 218
Estimated words: 209489 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 1047(@200wpm)___ 838(@250wpm)___ 698(@300wpm)

What I didn’t expect at all was for him to say, “Maybe there are two million reasons why it should be you.”

He couldn’t have stunned me more if he’d pressed a taser to my neck.

And he took advantage of it. Those purple eyes glowed, and his voice was dead serious as he said, “Your lips look soft.”

The bunny in my chest turned into an Olympic champion, long-distance jumper.

And it was me who sat there without a single comeback.

I knew he’d been looking at my mouth… but like that?

I could make a joke. I could be the one to brush it off. I could even be the one to say that this was too much pressure—kissing The fucking Defender for the first time?

But he was so much more than that, and I knew it.

He was Alex. He was my hero. My friend. My protector. At least a handful of other things first before he was The Defender to me.

I’d been forced to be closed in my whole life, and so had he.

And the fucking monumental weight of being his first kiss… well, I’d shouldered heavy shit my whole life too. Maybe it didn’t physically weigh as much as the things he’d been burdened with, but they could have been crippling for me.

This… it’d be an honor and a privilege. And if it was all I’d ever get, then it was all I’d ever get. A kiss from Alex. Who knew what life would throw at you?

My voice was wary as hell as I said, “Only 1,999,999 other reasons to go.”

His nostrils flared. “Your mouth is pretty too.”

Of all the things he could have said….

“You know you’re more than all right looking, don’t you?” he asked in a low voice. “Everyone says you’re pretty, but they don’t know you look that way even when your face is covered with mud and you feel like shit.”

The breath I let out shuddered, and I gulped, making a split-second decision. And before I could convince myself of the million reasons why this was a shitty idea, I scooted across the mattress, crossing the distance between our pillows.

That power that radiated from him brushed my skin gently. It wasn’t hair-raising anymore, maybe because I was getting used to people like him, but more of a tickle. A nice, pleasant tickle.

His eyes followed my every movement as I got closer and closer, my heart doing fucking laps around a football field at superhuman speed. But he didn’t make fun of me for being nervous. He just… stayed there, with his head on a pillow, watching and watching and watching.

I was pretty sure he was holding his breath.

“Are you positive?” I asked.

Alex just nodded. That gaze settled right on my mouth.

“Promise you won’t regret this or disappear on me if you feel uncomfortable afterward?”

His features went rigid, but he dipped his chin in agreement.

I wouldn’t regret it. I hoped he wouldn’t either.

I scooted a little closer, then a little closer. When he was a couple inches away, then just an inch, and finally, right there, right there, right there, I pressed my lips against his. Soft and gentle, like he wasn’t made of the strongest cells in all the galaxies, I kissed Alex. A peck.

I heard him inhale.

I drew back a little, then moved my head and pressed my lips to the corner of his.

He didn’t move as I angled my head to kiss the opposite side of his mouth, still as can be.

I drew back, uncertain, just a couple inches.

He moved so fast toward me that I didn’t realize what was happening until he was right there, brushing his mouth over mine.

His lips were soft.

A big, cool hand curved around my jaw, and he guided me closer. But it was me that licked his bottom lip. It was him that licked my top one. And it might have been both of us that met in the middle afterward.

His tongue touched mine, and mine decided to touch his right back.

Those firm but soft lips….

And his tongue….

I pulled back as much as I could with his hand on my face and asked in a fucking deranged whisper, “I thought you said you’d never kissed anyone before?”

“I haven’t,” he said… laser focused on my mouth.

He was awfully fucking good at it.

I wanted to kiss him again.

And he was focusing on my mouth like…

“Again?” he asked.

I didn’t answer. I leaned forward, and there was no brushing then, no casual peck. My tongue went into his mouth, and his palm was there, holding me in place, and Alex kissed me like the world was fucking ending and this was it. The last moment of our lives.

He ate at my mouth, enthusiastic, his tongue brushing mine, kissing me like he had kissed a million women before, all for this fucking moment with me. His hand held me there, gentle but firm, not letting me retreat. Not that there was anywhere else I would rather be.


