Whiskey Throttle Read online Riley Hart (Fever Falls #3)

Categories Genre: Gay, GLBT, M-M Romance, Romance, Sports Tags Authors: , Series: Fever Falls Series by Devon McCormack
Series: Fever Falls Series by Riley Hart

Total pages in book: 84
Estimated words: 81272 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 406(@200wpm)___ 325(@250wpm)___ 271(@300wpm)

First boyfriend: check.

First time sucking someone’s cock when their mother came into the room: also check.

I could have died. I didn’t embarrass easily, but I’d had a mouth full of her son’s dick when she’d come into the garage. And now I had to have dinner with said boyfriend’s mom. Another check.

Truthfully, I was also just frustrated we’d gotten interrupted because I really loved blowing Rush.

He finished showing me around his garage. He had five dirt bikes. Don’t ask me why someone would need five dirt bikes, but I nodded and asked questions, and honestly, enjoyed hearing him talk about something he loved so much.

Afterward, we went back outside. The clouds had begun moving in. February weather in Georgia was hit-and-miss. It had been comfortable a few minutes ago, but now it was slightly chilly.

“You cold?” Rush asked, running his hand up and down my arm. “This doesn’t work as well without the use of my other arm.”

“I think it’s nice,” I admitted. Warming me up wasn’t something people usually tried to do for me, unless we were talking about getting me ready to fuck.

“Aww, look at you being sweet, Red.”

“Hey! I’m not sweet. Take it back!”

“You’re a little sweet. Maybe like, no sugar added. All natural.”

I couldn’t help but laugh at his lame joke. “That was bad.”

“Eh. Made you laugh.” He shrugged as we went inside. “We have the house to ourselves… Do you want to continue where we left off?”

I gasped. Was he crazy?

“I’m not sucking your dick in your house! Your mom could come home. My lips—” When he opened his mouth, I cut him off with, “And my ass are staying to myself!”

“Then I guess I’ll have to blow you.” Rush rubbed his palm over my bulge, and I both whimpered with need and pulled away.

“No, I’m sweet, remember? Sweet boys don’t engage in sexual relations when their boyfriend’s mom and best friend are around.”

“Mmm. And you are a very sweet boy,” he said, his voice all low in that way that went straight to my dick.

“You suck.”

“I’m trying, but you won’t let me!” But then Rush put his arm around me and kissed my forehead. “I’m giving you shit. I like that you care so much.”

“You’re giving me cooties,” I teased. He’d already made me catch feelings. What more did he want?

When I heard the car out front, I immediately tensed up a little. This was so out of my comfort zone, it wasn’t even funny. Still, I plastered a smile on my face.

“Too big.”


“The smile, it’s too big and fake. Tone it down a notch.”

“Oh, thanks.” I slackened my mouth, realizing I’d been fake-smiling so big, it hurt.

The door opened, and Jude came in—smile wasted.

“Did you need help?” I asked.

“Nah, we got it,” he replied, going straight into the kitchen. Kathy was behind him with a small bag in her hand, most of the load having been carried by Jude, and holy shit, what were they cooking for dinner?

“Hi, Lincoln. It’s so good to see you again.” Kathy hugged me. It was so strange to me. I mean, Beth, Beau’s mom, hugged me, but not right from the start. It had taken her a while to get to know me. My own family hadn’t cared enough to do the same.

“It’s good to see you too. And you can call me Linc if it’s easier. Most people do. Or Lincoln if you prefer. I’ll go by anything, so just whatever you want to call me. Just wanted you to know you had options.” Shoot me now. What the fuck was I doing? I wanted to crawl in a hole and hide.

Rush chuckled, and I so wanted to flip him off.

“Okay,” Kathy said with a smile. “Did Rush ask you to stay for dinner? We’d love it. I’m making baked chicken, mashed potatoes and garlic, and bacon Brussel sprouts.”

“That’s really nice of you. How can I turn down such a great meal? Is there something I can help with?”

“You’re the guest, so you don’t have to help, but I’d love the company.”

I grinned, and damn it, it was a real one. We joked about it, but I wanted Rush’s mom to like me. Wanted her to feel like I was good for her son, even if we weren’t serious. “Sure!”

“Am I invited?” Rush asked playfully.

“Eh, I guess,” Kathy and I said at the same time. I turned to her and added, “Jinx!”

At first I felt a little silly, but then she laughed, and yeah, I thought it was cool that we’d said the same thing. From the way Rush kissed my temple, I could tell he did too…or maybe he could tell it was important to me, and that made him happy.

When we got into the kitchen, Jude was unpacking the bags. His eyes caught mine for a moment, and I was reminded that he knew what we’d been doing in the garage. Rush had told me. “How are you liking Fever Falls?” I asked Jude, trying to make conversation. If Rush and I were going to do this thing—and apparently we were—Jude and I needed to figure our shit out.


