A Curvy Girl for the Prince (Forbidden Fantasies #83) Read Online S.E. Law

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Forbidden Tags Authors: Series: Forbidden Fantasies Series by S.E. Law

Total pages in book: 26
Estimated words: 24103 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 121(@200wpm)___ 96(@250wpm)___ 80(@300wpm)

Darcy stares at me, her brown eyes wide.

“They could execute us for trying to escape, Matilda,” she says in a low tone. “You forgot that.”

I nod.

“Yeah, but we might as well try, right? If we stay here any longer, we’re going to die from exposure to poisonous chemicals anyways. Come on, let’s give it a go. I’ve been watching these two droids for a while, and they’re definitely glitching. Come on,” I coax. “This is our chance!”

Darcy’s still unconvinced, however.

“I don’t know,” she hems and haws.

“Well, I’m going to do it,” I say with conviction in my voice. Then, without waiting for her reply, I beckon to one of the droids.

“Agent 2-7-1,” I say. “I need a moment.”

The droid floats over. It’s about the size of a large vacuum cleaner and hovers over the ground, its eye unblinking.

“What is your question?”

I feign an injury and double over, clutching my ankle.

“Can you take me to the medical tent? I twisted my ankle shoveling this toxic stew, and I need to see a doctor. Owww!” I howl piteously. “Please.”

The droid assesses my leg, and then lowers itself to the ground.

“Transport available,” it intones in a robotic voice. “Step aboard.”

I gingerly hoist myself onto the droid, straddling it like a bronco. Then it lifts in the air as I wink at Darcy.

“I’ll be right back,” I whisper at my friend. But as we levitate and begin to soar over the toxic fields, something horrific happens. One of the guards sees me, and the dark figure zooms over the fields towards us, bent on interception. Oh shit. My plan has failed before it’s even begun, and now I’m going to be shipped off to the real Colonies for sure.



Is this woman crazy? What the fuck is she doing? Nonetheless, I ride the droid over to where Matilda’s balanced on hers.

“Guard,” she bends her head as I approach. “I’m headed for the medical tent. I meant no harm, I swear.”

First, I look around to make sure we’re not being watched, and then I hiss, “Matilda. It’s me. I’m not a guard.”

Her head jerks up then, and I see that she’s heartbreakingly beautiful still. Even more so, with her face streaked with dirt and her curls hidden under a hood of some sort.

“Haakon?” she manages in a soft voice. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m here to save you,” I grind out. “But what are you doing riding a droid?”

She shrugs.

“Well, I’ve been at the Colonies for two days now, and I wasn’t sure anyone was coming to rescue me, so I figured I better take the initiative.”

I stare at her.

“You didn’t think I was going to save you?”

The curvy girl bites her lip.

“Well, I did, but you know me. I’m a sassy woman who likes to be independent. I figured I’d better save myself in case no one showed.”

I have half a mind to drag Matilda off the droid and strap her to a spanking bench before plundering those lush lips. But I manage to hold my temper.

“Sweetheart, it took me a day to locate you,” I say in a tight voice. “First, I had to put down a rebellion by John Ray, and deal with his odious son, Albert. Then, I beat that fucker Albert to a pulp to make him reveal your location. How the fuck do you even know those assholes anyways?”

Matilda’s eyes go wide.

“From my family. We’re family friends. But are you saying that the rebellion’s already over?”

I nod.

“Yeah, you can quash these things in a couple hours if you’re ruthless. But yeah, we were waiting for the Rays, although it did take a couple hours to beat out your location from that assfucker Albert. What a fucking douche. But I’m here now,” I say in a low tone. “Come on, let’s go.”

“Wait, but I don’t want to leave my friend! Besides, didn’t you already win? Can’t we liberate these women from their indentured servitude?” she asks, gesturing to the field of hunched figures hacking at the soil.

I nod.

“Yes, that’s the plan,” I reply in a dry voice.

As if on cue, suddenly a line of warriors appears on the horizon, their heavy forms clad in the latest high-tech armor, bearing spears, stun guns, and who knows what other weapons. Matilda stares, her mouth falling open.

“I suppose those are your friends?” she asks in a trembling voice. I look over my shoulder and smirk.

“That’s right,” he growl. “It’s the Lysenian Army.” Then, I seize the beautiful woman’s eyes with my own. She’s never been more appealing at this moment, and I want nothing more than to ravish her. Yet, there are words that need to be said, and I can’t wait any longer. “Matilda, this might not be the right time to make a declaration, but I’m going to do it anyways. I’m impressed with you, honey. You’re courageous, brave, intelligent, sassy and far more than a whore from the House of Silk. In fact, you aren’t even a whore,” I add on a second thought. “You’re an incredible woman who’s found her way into my life, and I admire and want to get to know you better.”


