A Curvy Girl for the Prince (Forbidden Fantasies #83) Read Online S.E. Law

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Forbidden Tags Authors: Series: Forbidden Fantasies Series by S.E. Law

Total pages in book: 26
Estimated words: 24103 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 121(@200wpm)___ 96(@250wpm)___ 80(@300wpm)

“Did I say you could go? Stop right there,” she hisses.

Meanwhile, Lily’s softly crying now while wringing her hands together in a hopeless fashion.

“I know Haakon wants virgins,” she says in a choked voice. “And I swear I was, until last night! But you know I’ve been dating Florian for a while now, and we couldn’t help ourselves last night. I slept with him,” she whispers in admission, tears spilling down her cheeks. “We’re in a relationship now, and it’s only right to sleep with your boyfriend!”

Oh wow, I had no idea that whores had boyfriends, but Nerilda doesn’t seem surprised at all. The madame just rolls her eyes, her hands still on her hips.

“You couldn’t wait for one more day? Seriously, you knew your appointment with the prince was today. How dumb are you?”

Lily’s sobbing with contrition now, her pretty features crumpled into a horrific grimace.

“No, because Florian said that as my boyfriend, my virginity was his to claim! He said losing it to the prince was bullshit, and that I wouldn’t see a penny of the prince’s fee anyways! It was Florian!” she shrieks. “But please, Nerilda, just give me a second chance! I’ll explain to Haakon what happened. I’m sure the prince will understand.”

The red-haired woman glares at her subordinate.

“Haakon definitely won’t understand. In fact, he won’t care, full stop. That’s the kind of man we have for a client. You’re such an idiot, you know that? Sweet-talked by a blacksmith’s apprentice,” she snorts. “That Florian is a piece of work.”

“Well, what do I do?” Lily screams, practically hysterical now. The girl is literally tearing at her golden hair with her hands, looking more and more like a witch who’s just come out of a cave. “How do I make up for this?”

Nerilda snorts.

“You can’t,” she huffs. “Haakon’s already called to complain about the “unsuitable product.” That would be you,” she says with another accusatory look at the blonde girl. “I swear, you bring shame on the House of Silk. My grandmother founded this brothel, and in all these years, we’ve never had a girl as idiotic as you. How the fuck am I supposed to find a replacement by tonight? All the other girls are already booked, and I can hardly send you in to repair the damage.”

Okay, this is getting out of hand. Obviously, this conversation wasn’t meant for my ears and I turn to go, trying to creep out without being noticed

But again, Nerilda notices and barks out another, “Stop!”

I smile wanly over my shoulder.

“Oh, I best be going,” I say in a tremulous tone. “I’m wanted at the palace. I’m sure they’re going to call a search party at any minute.”

The madame rolls her eyes.

“You can’t be that important if you were able to come all the way out to Old Town to return a pair of panties,” she snorts with disdain. Then, her gaze grows crafty, those green eyes narrowing into slits. “What did you say you did at the palace again?”

“I’m a maid,” I reply quickly. “I mean, a lady in waiting.”

Both Nerilda and Lily stare at me.

“So which is it?” the flame-haired woman demands.

“A maid,” I fib, not wanting to give too much away. “A nobody. Seriously, my manager doesn’t even recognize me most days, I’m so unimportant.”

Nerilda’s look becomes calculating.

“Well then, that could be an asset,” she hums. She looks me up and down, taking in my bountiful breasts, narrow waist, and wide hips. “Your hair is ugly, and your make-up is all wrong, but then again, you are a maid,” she muses to herself, still checking me out. “Are you a virgin?” she asks in an abrupt voice.

I gasp.

“What kind of question is that?”

The madame doesn’t look offended at all.

“The kind that could make you very rich, that’s what. Like I mentioned, Haakon has been using my service for a few months now. The Crown Prince wants virgins, as you’ve overheard, and orders them on a monthly basis. I call it, ‘The Virgin Sacrifice.’”

I gasp again, hardly believing my ears.

“Really? The Crown Prince pays money for you to send over a girl every month who’s a virgin?” I manage in a steady voice. “Isn’t there a rule against that somewhere?”

Nerilda shrugs.

“There are no rules. This is Haakon Wolfson we’re talking about, and he can do whatever he wants. Besides, what’s going to happen if people find out? Will they de-throne him? Take away his royal title? Force him to abdicate? Let’s get real,” Nerilda continues in a snide tone. “If anything, this is what people expect of a virile, vigorous ruler. They want a man who’s a man, and not some dimwit with limp wrists.”

I stare.

“So people know that he uses whores.”

“People don’t know know,” Nerilda clarifies. “But I daresay I’m not the only whorehouse providing girls to Haakon. Our prince is voracious,” she says with a wide smile, flashing big white teeth. “Utterly insatiable, from what I hear, and a beast in bed too.”


