Addicted 2 Candy Read Online Loni Ree

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Erotic, Insta-Love, Virgin Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 13
Estimated words: 11818 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 59(@200wpm)___ 47(@250wpm)___ 39(@300wpm)

“I thought you wanted him to notice me,” my dream girl hiss-whispers to Raven, interrupting the tension developing in the hallway.

“I did but only if he’s going to treat you like you deserve to be treated.” Raven seems to have my girl’s best interest at heart, but I’m not prepared to let anyone come between us. Even if they have the best intentions.

I pull Candy tighter against my body and turn to Raven. “I know she isn’t a fucking groupie. Now, mind your business while I get to know her.”

My words hold more force than I’d intended, and Roman Sterling warns me, “Watch your tone of voice with my wife or I’ll make sure you’re singing soprano at your next concert.”

“Now wait a minute.” My girl finds her voice, steps in, places one hand on my chest, and points her other finger at Roman. “No one is causing anyone else to sing soprano.” Then she points at Raven. “You are going to go give your pep talk or whatever you do after the last concert of the tour,” before turning back to me, “and we are going to talk privately about whatever this is.”

Raven opens her mouth to argue, but my girl shushes her. “Go. I can take care of myself.” I’m suddenly curious about the relationship between Candy and Raven. I know they aren’t sisters since I met all the Knightley siblings when we signed with Inked Knight Records.

I take Candy’s hand and smile down at her. “Come with me.”

As we walk away, I glance over my shoulder and see Raven mouthing, “I’m watching you.”

I lead Candy into my dressing room and shut the door behind us. “How do you know the pint-sized drill sergeant?”

My dream girl throws back her head and laughs. “We’ve been best friends since I hooked her sandal strap to the monkey bars in kindergarten and left her hanging. Our teacher, Mrs. Price, rescued Raven and sent me straight to the principal’s office. It was a match made in heaven.”

My heart melts at the sight of the silly expression on her face, telling me I’m all the way in with this girl already. Since there’s no turning back for me, I need to make sure she feels the same way.

Candy walks over and sits on the edge of the worn black sofa in the corner before fidgeting and attempting to pull the short skirt down. When she looks into my eyes and asks, “What are your plans now that you got me here?” my heart melts while my cock grows steadily harder.

Oh, she has no freaking idea of the options blasting through my mind right now. “I thought I’d ask you to have dinner with me tonight.”

“Don’t you have an after-party to attend?” Since tonight is the last night of our North American tour, the record company arranged for a large after-party to celebrate.

I sit down next to her and take her soft hand in mine. “I’d rather spend the night getting to know you.”

“Can we do both?” She smiles up at me, and dimples pop out on both her silky cheeks.

As I open my mouth to answer, I realize this girl already has me tightly wound around her little finger. “If that’s what you want.” I’m betting those words will be a frequent part of my vocabulary in the future.

“Great.” She bites her plump bottom lip, and all the blood in my body heads straight for my cock. “I’ve been looking forward to the after-party since Raven invited me. We even got hotel rooms in town, so we wouldn’t have to drive all the way to Silver Spoon Falls in the wee hours of the morning.” Good to fucking know.

When we arrived earlier to discover the arena’s hot water wasn’t working, the guys all decided to head back to the hotel to shower and get ready for the after-party.

But I’m going to shower here. A nice frigid shower should be just what I need to cool my jets. “Make yourself at home while I run through a shower, and then we can meet the band at the party. We’ll stay for a while before I take you out to dinner somewhere private.”

“Uh, okay.” She sits back and stares at me, causing my cock to weep in the tight pants. “Do you want me to meet you there? I can just ride over with Raven and Roman if you want.” Oh, hell no. I’m not letting my soulmate out of my sight until I’ve tied her to me forever.

“No. I want you to sit your gorgeous ass right there and wait for me.” Her mouth does that adorable opening and closing silently thing that melts my fucking heart.

“Oh.” She draws out the word, squaring her shoulders. “I’ll text Raven and let her know.”

“Sounds good.” I wink at her before grabbing my phone off the dressing table. I can’t take the chance of her leaving before I return, so I step into the attached bathroom and send a quick message to Ryan, my bodyguard.


