Beast Brothers Forbidden Read Online Stephanie Brother

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 55
Estimated words: 51166 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 256(@200wpm)___ 205(@250wpm)___ 171(@300wpm)

The change in the men’s demeanors from our night together is so strong it would be obvious to anyone, I think, but for these women, who know them so well, the difference is like a giant flashing neon sign. Their eyes narrow – and then come straight to me.

Somehow, I manage not to shrivel under their combined gaze, keeping my expression calm and a faint smile on my lips, but my stomach tightens into knots, waiting for the inquisition.

Instead, Signora says to Giovanni, “You’re late. You should have been at the restaurant thirty minutes ago.” Her tone is matter-of-fact, but I imagine that I hear another emotion underlying her words.

“They know what to do,” Giovanni says, still smiling. “But I’ll get changed and go there now.” He kisses his mother’s cheek, then his grandmother’s, says, “I’ll see you all there later,” and heads off to get ready.

Fiero follows him, with not even a glance at me – he must sense the danger lingering in the air as well. Matteo mutters something about responding to some email and disappears upstairs.

I’m a little irked at them for abandoning me, but I can handle myself, so I guess I should be glad that they respect that. Nonna Sofia still hasn’t said a word, and I’m afraid to look at her. “I think I’ll go for a walk,” I say politely. “I’d like to stretch my legs after all that time in the car.”

I don’t wait for a response before I turn and head outside, trying not to hurry despite my haste to be away from them.

Once I’m safely hidden in the orchard, I check my phone for messages. My mother, my sister, and Katie have all texted me to ask how the trip is going. Mom and Izzy both receive answers that say I’m having a good time and list the places I’ve visited, with no mention of the Bestia men.

To Katie, I send a message asking her to get in touch when she can. It’s morning back in the States, so I hope I’ll hear from her soon. And to my relief, she calls me almost immediately.

“How’s it going?” she asks as soon as I answer. “Any developments?”

“Where do I start?” I tell her everything, except for the intimate details from last night. “I’m so happy, but I’m terrified too. We got back to their house, and their mother and grandmother knew right away that something was up.”

“What did they say?”

“Nothing, yet, because we fled in all directions to avoid them.”

Katie laughs. “Parents. What can you do?”

“I can’t imagine they’ll be pleased if they find out what’s happened. Plus, they live in such a small village, and you know how attitudes can be. I just don’t see how this can work long term, and I don’t want to create friction in the family.”

“Don’t borrow trouble you don’t have to, Dani.” Katie’s voice is calm and confident. “You don’t have to flaunt yourselves in front of the whole town and rub their faces in it. So long as you’re discreet, there might be gossip, but so what?”

I lean against a tree trunk, remembering when Giovanni kissed me near this spot. Was that just yesterday? It feels like a lifetime ago. “Everyone knows them, and they seem popular, judging from how the whole village seems to patronize their restaurant.”

“So the locals won’t be eager to make villains of them. The Bestias can withstand a little idle gossip.”

“But what about within the family? I love them all, Katie. I couldn’t stand it if they blamed me.”

“If they’re as close as you say, they’ll find a way to work it out. That’s what strong families do; they don’t let disagreements fracture them. If this is enough to come between them, then the problems were already there, just waiting for a catalyst.”

I sigh. “You’re so sensible.”

She laughs again. “I’m just saying, take it one day at a time. Don’t work yourself into a state about things that might never happen.”

“No, you’re right. I’ve just always been such a good girl; I’ve never done anything like this before. Part of me expects that something disastrous is sure to happen.”

“You’re not a bad girl for wanting to be with more than one man. And maybe something really good will happen instead. Try to stay open to that, too.”

“I will. Thanks, Katie.”

“Call me any time, Dani. Oh, and speaking of good things, guess what? I’m an aunt!”

“Sasha had her babies? Congratulations! How are they all doing?”

“They’re wonderful! A girl and a boy, born two days ago.”

“That’s so great! Please tell her I send congratulations. Maybe I can go see her when I get back.” I recall a little shop I saw in the village and hope I can stop in there to buy gifts before we leave.

“Sounds like a plan. But for now, enjoy the rest of your trip!”


