It’s Not Over – Fair Lakes Read Online Kaylee Ryan

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Contemporary, Romance, Suspense Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 100
Estimated words: 95307 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 477(@200wpm)___ 381(@250wpm)___ 318(@300wpm)

Gina seems to realize what she said, a cross between pity and mortification flash in her eyes. “Oh, nothing,” she says, trying to laugh it off.

“No, seriously, what do you mean about finding underwear? When?”

Gina must be able to tell I’m not going to drop it. She shifts on her feet and averts her gaze. “Well, yesterday, when I got to work, I was on Harrison’s computer, making sure to sync the calendars and I found them under his desk.”

My heart hammers in my chest.

“I’m sure they’re not from Harrison, Gwen. I mean, chances are, Chase had some gym bunny in there and she left them,” Gina assures, her eyes still not showing me she’s convinced of her own words.

And then it hits me.

Thursday night.

The gym.

The desk sex.

And suddenly, I’m laughing.

“Everything okay?” she asks, clearly thinking I’m losing my mind.

“Yeah, everything’s fine. Those panties,” I start, recalling how I didn’t put them back on after our shower, “I’m pretty sure those were mine.”

Gina just gives me a look before laughing. “Well, you little hussy, you.”

Hussy? No.

Horny pregnant woman who can’t keep her hands off her ex-husband, turned fiancé? Guilty.

“Yeah, I might have forgotten to pick them up,” I reply, sheepishly.

“Well, I’m so thankful they were yours! I mean, after hearing Harrison tell Chase that you’ve really been putting on the weight, I was afraid he was stepping out on you! And it’s not okay to step out on my friend!” Gina declares with a laugh.

But my mind focuses in on one part of her statement.

Putting on weight.

“He said I’m putting on weight?” I whisper, feeling the tears burn in my eyes.

“Oh, well… shit. I shouldn’t have said anything. I mean, of course you’re going to put on weight, right? You’re pregnant!”

I give her a forced smile and nod, but in my chest, I feel like my heart was just dropkicked into December. I know I’m gaining weight. For a while, I gained more in a two-month span than some people do in their entire pregnancy. It’s a sore subject for me, but I guess I never stopped to think about how this weight gain would affect Harrison. His business revolves around physical fitness, and here I am, blimping out like I just swallowed an Oompa Loompa.

My mind spins.

“Are you okay?” she asks, pulling me into her arms and giving me a tight hug.

“Yeah, I’m fine. This weight gain isn’t forever, right?”

“Right! In about two months, you’ll have a beautiful baby girl in your arms, and all this pesky weight gain will mean nothing.”

I nod, though it’s more for her benefit than my own.

“Well, I better get going. I’m grabbing groceries before heading home,” Gina says.

“Thanks again,” I say automatically, though my mind is already a million miles away.

Gina pulls me into her arms once more. “Keep your head up, sweetie. I think you look beautiful,” she whispers before letting me go and heading off toward her car.

I’m left standing on the sidewalk, trying to figure out why I never realized that my weight gain would change the way Harrison sees me. Of course he’d see the extra pounds I’ve put on. He gets an up close and personal view of my swollen ankles and the extra-wide birthing hips I’ve developed in the last couple of weeks. He’s always said he loves my growing body, but then why did he say something to Chase?

My heart drops when I think about him lying to me.

To make me feel better?

God, that makes me want to throw up.

On autopilot, I make my way to the gym to deliver lunch to Harrison. I guess if he’s starting to get disgusted by my weight, I’ll just have to keep it covered up more. Maybe make sure the lights are off from now on. The last thing I want is to make him uncomfortable, or worse, for me to see the look in his eyes when he catches just how big and fat I’m getting.

And I still have two months to go.


Chapter 17


* * *

With pregnancy comes hormones. Lots and lots of hormones which mean mood swings. My Winnie has had those in spades the last few weeks. We went from making love anywhere and everywhere to once a week if we’re lucky, and only at night in bed. Don’t get me wrong. I’m fine with that. I know that she’s an incubator for our daughter and that the further along in her pregnancy she gets, the more uncomfortable she is.

I get that.

I understand that.

What I don’t understand is the distance I’m starting to feel. Maybe it’s all in my head, and maybe it’s not. One way or another, I’m going to find out. We’ve come too far to let miscommunication come between us. If it’s pregnancy hormones, bring it—I’m here and not going anywhere. However, if it’s something more, I want to know about it. I can’t fix it if I don’t know. Regardless, she’s stuck with me. There is no other option.


