Power (Blurred Lines #1) Read Online Cassandra Robbins

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Forbidden, Romance, Virgin Tags Authors: Series: Blurred Lines Series by Cassandra Robbins

Total pages in book: 82
Estimated words: 78850 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 394(@200wpm)___ 315(@250wpm)___ 263(@300wpm)

“Just donate it. Did the restaurant come for the chocolate?” I’m not keeping any of this. It’s one big fat no.

I get that he’s rich, but does he seriously think I’m that shallow? That he can buy my love?

“Oh, honey, you won’t be donating this.” She hands me the long, rectangular turquoise box that has the famous Tiffany branding on it.

“Did you look at it?” I stare at her as I take the box. It still has the turquoise bow on it, so maybe she didn’t.

“Stop it. I did not, but come on. Feel that baby. A guy with gloves delivered it. He even had a guard.” She claps her hands and slides closer.

There goes my heart, racing again. I’m so stressed out, I don’t even need coffee. It’s like I can feel him thinking about me, touching me…

I look down at the box and rub my hands across the lettering. A teardrop lands on my finger.

“Take it. Call Tiffany’s and return it. I don’t want it.” I sniff, wiping my poor sore nose on the shoulder of the T-shirt I was sleeping in.

“No.” She looks at me. “And quite frankly, I’m getting a little sick of you ordering me around. You don’t want your presents, call and get them removed yourself. Or better yet…” She stands and smooths her hand on her cute pink dress. “Call Daddy Powers and tell him to stop sending stuff. We’re running out of room anyway.” She turns and slams my door.

I jump. What the hell? Then I leap up and chase after her.

“You’re unbelievable, Cher. All you do is hang out with Matteo. You’ve no idea that I’m barely staying afloat. Jett is here. Here.” I motion with my hands. “And I can’t stop wanting him. It’s like I’m sick and there is no cure. And you don’t care.” I’m screaming, because the sound of the electric saw being used upstairs has taken over, and she needs to hear this.

“Raven. Enough.” Cher spins toward me. “You love him. He may be a shit, but either get rid of him and move on, or do us all a favor and give him a chance, because this”—she motions up and down at my appearance—“is pathetic. You want to know why I’m hanging out with Matteo?” She puts her hands on her hips. “Because I can’t watch you quit on yourself.”

She grabs her phone. “I love you, but I’m telling you this because I really hope you’d do the same for me if I was ever in this condition.” Turning, she walks toward the door.

I go to open my mouth, but nothing comes out.

“Fight, Raven. Say what you will about Daddy Powers, but he fights. It might be dirty, but he fights to win.” She grabs her big black sunglasses off the counter. “And call Maria back. She’s been trying to get ahold of you for over a week,” she snaps, putting her glasses on and stomping out the front door.

“Wow. Fucking calling you on your shit, huh?” Brody walks in to grab some of the chocolate.

“I just… I mean, she’s wrong, right?” Using the Tiffany box, I point at the door.

“I’m not getting involved.” He shakes his head and stuffs his mouth full of dark chocolate.

“And you can’t donate this stuff. Jesus, have you tried it yet? Fucking amazing.” He pops more into his mouth, closing his eyes like it’s better than sex, and maybe it is for him. I’m starting to suspect Brody is asexual.

“But you should call Maria back and… take a shower.” He grins and walks back to the balcony.

“Unbelievable.” I march into the kitchen. God, this really is the first time I’ve been here in days.

Roses are everywhere. Boxes and boxes of chocolate are scattered all over the one counter, along with a small pile of envelopes, tucked neatly in the corner.

“What the hell?” I grab them. They all have my name on them, but they aren’t open. Why didn’t Cher give me these?

Because she’s sick of you.

I grab them and a block of dark chocolate, then make my way back to my room and sit on the end of my bed. I put the Tiffany box next to me and pop some chocolate into my mouth, instantly moaning out loud.

Fucking asshole. He had to send crack chocolate. Now I won’t be able to stop. It’s like eating a mouthful of mouthwatering, creamy goodness with just the right amount of sweet bitterness.

I reach for another chunk, grab my phone, and dial Maria. I’ve been avoiding her because I can’t handle the guilt. Now that I know Jett dumped my mom, I’m sure she fired Maria. I tried to get my dad to hire her, but he said no, so now I’m stalling until I have some way to get her here. Maybe she can cook for us?


