Rainbow Sprinkles (Little Cakes #1) Read Online Pepper North, Paige Michaels

Categories Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Erotic, Funny, Romance Tags Authors: , Series: Little Cakes Series by Paige Michaels
Series: Little Cakes Series by Pepper North

Total pages in book: 48
Estimated words: 45218 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 226(@200wpm)___ 181(@250wpm)___ 151(@300wpm)

“May I be excused, Daddy?” she asked when her plate was empty.

He lifted her to the floor and patted her bottom. “Go explore… But don’t run in the house,” he added when she took off at warp speed.

Ten minutes later, he had the kitchen all cleaned up and went in search of her, already missing having her in his sight. He’d be content just watching her play. Even if all he did was sit in the rocking chair in the nursery and keep an eye on her, he would be the happiest man alive.

When he reached the nursery, he stopped in the doorway, his hands on both sides of the frame. His heart nearly leapt out of his chest. She was on her knees in front of the giant dollhouse, moving the little people around. But what made his heart race was the fact that she was talking. Making the little people speak to each other.

“I told you to use both hands, sweetie. Now you’ve spilled your milk.” She danced the mom figure over to the little boy in the kitchen.

“I’m sorry, mommy.”

“Do you need mommy to put a sippy lid on your cup?”

“Yes, please.”

Garrett couldn’t breathe as he watched Ellie so comfortable and happy in his home, in his nursery. She was wearing nothing more than his T-shirt, and even though he couldn’t see her bottom, he knew it was bare under the hem.

As she rocked from knee to knee on the plush carpet, she moved the little people around, switching to the daddy and the little girl. “Do you want to sit on daddy’s lap so I can read you a story, honey?”

“Yes, daddy.” Ellie made the little girl run over to the daddy and jump onto his lap. It took Ellie a minute to get the dolls situated just right in the rocking chair, but then she handed them a tiny book and said, “Once upon a time…”

Garrett quietly entered the room, not wanting to disturb her but needing to be closer. When he settled in the rocking chair, she glanced at him and grinned. “I love the dollhouse so much, Daddy.”

“I’m so glad, Rainbow. Did you want Daddy to read you a book like the daddy in the dollhouse?”

She jumped to her feet. “Really?” Her eyes were wide.

He smiled indulgently. “Of course. Pick one out.”

She rushed over to the shelf and scanned the titles, choosing the first book in a series he recognized about the adventures of some baby animals. When she returned to him, he lifted her onto his lap, careful to tuck his shirt under her bottom.

“What made you choose this one, Rainbow?” he asked as he kissed her forehead and wrapped his arm around her waist.

She tipped her head back and with every bit of innocence stated, “Because it looks like a long series and I’ll have to come over here a lot for you to finish it.”

His chest squeezed so tight and he pulled her against him, nearly squishing her. “You may come over here as often as you want, every single day. In fact, whenever you’re ready, I’d love for you to stay here permanently.”

She leaned back. “That’s so fast, Daddy. How do you know that?”

He bopped her nose, loving the way she always squished her face when he did so. “I told you. Daddies just know.” He suspected she knew, too. She was just too scared to admit it yet.

He opened the book and started reading, loving the way she snuggled into his chest, drawing her knees up and curling against him. As he read, she even brought her thumb to her mouth and started sucking it. He wasn’t sure if she realized it or not, but it was so damn cute.

After a while, her eyes started to droop and he leaned her back to meet her gaze. “You’re tired, Little girl. You haven’t been getting enough sleep lately. How about if Daddy makes you a smoothie and you go down for a nap?”

She tried to perk up. “I don’t nap, Daddy. I have too much to do.”

“Well, today you don’t have to be at the shop until three. Today you can nap.” He used a stern voice as he rose and set her on her feet. “Wait right here. I’ll go get you a smoothie.”

He had already gathered the ingredients after cleaning up from breakfast, so it took just a few minutes to run the blender and pour the healthy mixture into a sippy cup.

When he rounded the doorway this time, he found her standing with her back to him, staring at the adult-sized changing table. She twisted to face him as he entered.

He waited for her to ask questions, but she apparently chose not to. Instead, she climbed back on to his lap and let him hold the sippy cup to her lips. Her eyes were wide as she started drinking. “Mmm,” was the only sound she made, clearly enjoying the drink.


