Reckless (Adventures in Love #3) Read Online Aurora Rose Reynolds

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Adventures in Love Series by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 71075 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 355(@200wpm)___ 284(@250wpm)___ 237(@300wpm)

“You are not going to work in a bar.” She stops in front of me and rolls her eyes.

“Why not?”

“Because you have a problem with listening to people and you have a smart mouth. You’d last a week at most before you quit or got fired.”

“Whatever,” I mutter since she’s not wrong. Still, when we leave the store, I put in an application at the coffee shop right next door, and then when we get to the restaurant, I ask for an application and fill it out on the spot. Neither place would be my ideal job, but money is money when you are broke.

Sitting on the couch at my place, I flip through the channels, trying to find something to keep me occupied until I go to bed, which might be sooner than later with how tired I am already. It’s been a crazy few days between talking to potential vendors for the bookstore, looking for a job, and spending some much-needed auntie time with my niece. I feel like I’ve been going nonstop.

After settling on a documentary about an ancient group of people who lived in the Amazon rain forest, I shove my hand into the bag of popcorn I made, then shake my head when my cell phone beeps. Figures. After wiping off my buttery fingers on a piece of paper towel, I grab it and check the screen, seeing a number I don’t recognize along with a message asking if I’m doing okay.

Me: Who is this?

I watch three little dots appear a moment later.

Unknown Number: Maverick

When I see his name, my stomach flutters, and I sit up a little taller while I stare at my phone, not sure how to respond. It’s been three days since I last saw him, and I honestly didn’t think I would talk to him again until Tanner and Cybil had one of the get-togethers that their friends are known for.

Me: How did you get my number?

I go to my contacts and add him onto the list so that I have him in my phone.

Maverick: Tanner gave it to me. Are you settling in okay?

Me: Yeah, for the most part anyways.

Maverick: Why for the most part?

Me: Because I don’t have a job and that is kind of important LOL

Maverick: Have you looked in town?

Me: Yes

Maverick: No one’s gotten back to you?

Me: Not yet

Maverick: Tanner mentioned that you and Cybil went and looked at a space for a bookstore. How did that go?

Me: Why are guys always bigger gossips than women?

Maverick: How did it go?

Figures that he would ignore my question.

Me: It went fine

Maverick: You didn’t like it?

Me: I didn’t say that, the space is awesome; the rent is just a lot more than I’m comfortable with. We are talking to some local vendors now to see if we can offset some of the cost.

Maverick: Everything will work out. So what are you doing tonight?

Me: I’m on my couch in my pajamas watching TV and eating popcorn.

Maverick: It’s Friday.

Me: It is

Maverick: How long will it take you to get dressed?

Me: I’m already dressed

Maverick: Right, I’m headed your way, we’ll go out for a drink.

A pity drink with him? No thank you.

Me: No thanks like I said I’m in my PJs and watching TV, I’m going to go to bed soon.

Maverick: Be there in fifteen

Me: Do not come here because I’m not leaving my house

Maverick: Make sure you’re dressed.

Me: I’m serious, Maverick, do not come here because I’m not getting dressed or going out with you.

I press send on that text, then stare at my phone and wait for him to reply. When he doesn’t, I shake my head and try to get comfortable. He might be the kind of guy who is used to telling women what to do and them doing it, but there is no way that I’m moving my ass off this couch, and he can’t make me.

As the time ticks away, I try to focus on the TV, but all I can think about is that he’s on his way here and my hair is a mess and I have about five pimple patches on my face. And the more of those thoughts that I have, the more annoyed with myself I become.

“Fuck,” I yell, pushing up off the couch before I stomp to the bathroom. I might not get dressed, but I’m too vain to let him see me with my hair a total disaster and my face a mess. With quickness gained from years of experience, I put my hair up in a messy but cute bun on the top of my head, then remove the patches and moisturize my face. When I’m done, I don’t look great, but I do look better than I did. I head back to the couch and start to sit down but stop when I hear pounding on the door. Knowing it’s him, I head out of my apartment and through Cybil’s shop and open the door. I wonder how a guy could possibly get hotter in less than seventy-two hours.


