Reckless (Adventures in Love #3) Read Online Aurora Rose Reynolds

Categories Genre: Contemporary, Erotic, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Adventures in Love Series by Aurora Rose Reynolds

Total pages in book: 76
Estimated words: 71075 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 355(@200wpm)___ 284(@250wpm)___ 237(@300wpm)

Coming out of my head when the door dings, I look up and smile when I see Tanner and Cybil walk in holding Claire.

“Did you guys already go next door?” I ask, and Cybil grins as I set my phone down without opening Maverick’s message.

“We did, and good news: that wall is not load bearing, so Tanner will be able to take it out without it costing us tons of money.”

“Look at you, using construction lingo.” I walk around the counter so I can take my niece from her. “And that’s great news.” I glance up at Tanner. “What did you think of the space—do you like it?”

“It’s nice. You guys will get lots of foot traffic. It’s in a prime location.”

“We hope so.” I bounce Claire when she starts to fuss, then kiss her cheek and ask, “Do you want a cookie?”

“She does not want a cookie,” Cybil says.

“I think she does.” I go to the display case in the front and take out a plain sugar cookie, then break off a tiny piece and give it to her. Just like that, instant happiness. She reaches for more while dancing from side to side. And Cybil, of course, rolls her eyes. “So what are you guys going to do now?”

“I have to work, so Tanner is going to hang with Claire,” Cybil says, leaning into her husband.

“Do you need me to help with anything?” I ask, because each time I’ve asked if she needs me to do anything, she’s said no, which makes me feel kind of useless.

“I should be okay. I just need to get some photos taken for my website and some fabric cut for the next round of bags I plan on making.”

“I should be off around four today, so I can help you if you’re still working when I get home.”

“Thanks, I might take you up on that if you don’t mind,” she says. Then we look to the door when it opens, and I watch Liam, the owner, walk in with a scowl on his face directed at me.

“I have a bone to pick with you, young lady.” He wags his finger at me, and I blink at him. “You didn’t tell me that you were going to be quitting.”

“That’s because I’m not quitting.” I pass Claire and her cookie off to Tanner.

“Tony and Katie told me that you are renting the space next door.”

“Me and my best friend, Cybil, are going to be renting it.” I wave my hand out to where Cybil is standing, and she waves at him. “Cybil, you remember Liam. Liam, Cybil, her husband, Tanner, and my niece, Claire,” I introduce, then continue after everyone says hi. “I don’t know why Katie or Tony told you that I’m quitting. I’m still going to be working here, or that’s my plan anyways.”

“They didn’t exactly say you were quitting, just that you were starting your own business. I assumed that you would not want to work here.”

“You assumed wrong.” I plant my hands on my hips. “And I hope you know I wouldn’t just up and quit on you without giving you a heads-up. Plus I like working here.” And I do—making coffee might not be the most exciting job someone could ever have, but I’ve enjoyed every day that I’ve worked, plus Tony and Katie have started to grow on me, even if they do call me old all the damn time. Even after I pointed out that I’m only ten years older than them.

“What kind of store are you opening?” Liam asks, ignoring my rant.

“It will be a kind of catchall with books and gifts and stuff.”

“You know what goes great with books?” he asks, then answers before I can. “Coffee.”

“Coffee and books do go great together,” I agree, and he turns to look at the wall behind where Cybil and Tanner are standing.

“We could take out this wall, and then we could have both.”

“What?” I laugh, thinking he’s joking.

“You sell books, and I sell coffee; who doesn’t like to sit down with a latte and a book? It would be the perfect setup, and we would both get more business.”

“You’re being serious?” My stomach feels funny as I rest my hand over it.

“I don’t joke when it comes to my business.”

“Well, I don’t know that the owner of the building would be okay with us taking down this wall.”

“My family owns this building—actually, most of the buildings on this block. I’m sure I could talk them around.” He shrugs, and I look at Cybil, wanting to see what she is thinking about all of this. I mean, Liam is not wrong; people do love coffee and books, which is why there’s typically a coffee shop inside every big bookstore there is. And having a coffee shop linked to our store would draw more people inside.


