Stolen (Brides of the Kindred #26) Read Online Evangeline Anderson

Categories Genre: Alien, Fantasy/Sci-fi, Romance Tags Authors: Series: Brides of the Kindred Series by Evangeline Anderson

Total pages in book: 182
Estimated words: 171288 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 856(@200wpm)___ 685(@250wpm)___ 571(@300wpm)

“How do you know that? How can you be sure?” V’rex demanded.

“The Silka,” Penny told him. “Remember when I took it I said that I wished I knew how the two of us could be together forever? Well, it told me that when the nectar came back to my breasts, I would be cured of the poison from the jungle and that you could sting me again.”

“I don’t know…” V’rex looked torn. “I want to bond you to me more than anything in this whole fucking universe, but I don’t want to cause you pain.” His pale gold eyes grew deadly serious. “I’d rather die than hurt you like that again.”

“Oh, V’rex…” Penny cupped his face in her hands and leaned in for a long, sweet kiss. “I love that you feel that way,” she murmured, breaking the kiss at last. “But I want you to do this—it’s the only way we can be together. Together forever—is that what you want?”

“Hell yes,” he growled hoarsely. “I never want to let you go, sweetheart.”

“Then sting me.” Penny brushed her long, chestnut hair to one side and offered him the side of her neck. “Sting me and make love to me and come in me all at the same time, V’rex. Make me yours—bond me to you!”

He had almost stopped his thrusting as they spoke but now her words seemed to do something to the big Hybrid. Gripping Penny’s hips in his big hands once more, he began thrusting again, rolling upward to fill her pussy like the tide with a deep, inevitable force.

As he did, Penny felt her own pleasure cresting and then something hot and wet was spurting deep in her pussy. At the same time, V’rex’s mouth fastened on the side of her neck and she felt his tongue sharpen into a needle point and thrust into her flesh.

For a split second she felt a spark of pain and terror followed after it. What if she had been wrong? What if the chorus had been lying to her? What if—

And then the most intense pleasure she’d ever felt rolled through her and she was coming…coming so hard all around his thick, invading cock…giving herself completely as V’rex bonded the two of them together for life.

Chapter 108

“Well, I believe the Hulu-rah is over. Regrettably, Merchant V’rex and his Lady Penelope are the losers.”

The Fox’en servant’s words cut through the ecstasy Penny had been feeling and the realization washed over her like a bucket of cold water.

Lost—we lost! Oh my God, that wasn’t supposed to happen!

What she and Lady Bright Coat had planned was for Penny to hold perfectly still while Lady Bright Coat had promised she would “tease and tempt” her husband until he couldn’t help himself and came inside her.

“Oh, was that your plan?” a deep, growling voice said inside her head.

Penny looked at her new mate in surprise.

“V’rex, was that you?”

She’d heard that Kindred had a telepathic link to their mates but she hadn’t really considered the implications of it when she’d asked the big Hybrid to bond her to him. Now it came home to her all over again that they were joined—joined for ever.

At the thought, joy consumed her. But then she had another, more sobering realization.

But in order to join with V’rex, I had to lose the Eye of Ten’gu.

“Maybe not, sweetheart,” V’rex sent, having apparently heard her thoughts. “Look over there.”

Penny looked to where he was indicating and saw that Lady Bright coat had separated from her husband and was howling mournfully, which seemed to be the Fox’en way of crying.

“My darling? My mate? What is wrong?” Chieftain Swift Tail was looking anxiously at his wife. “Why are you upset? We have won the Hulu-rah and the Silka spice is ours!”

“I don’t care about any of that!” Lady Bright Coat sobbed and then howled mournfully again. “I didn’t want to win the Hulu-rah!”

“Didn’t want to win?” Her mate looked at her in bewilderment. “But my darling mate, why not?”

“Because!” Lady Bright Coat cried. “I wanted to be rid of this wretched necklace!” She pointed at the Eye, which still lay against her furry chest.

“But I gave you that in front of the whole tribe,” Chieftain Swift Tail protested.

“Yes, and I have had dark days and restless nights ever since,” Lady Bright Coat said. “And when I asked the Silka why I could not conceive a litter, it told me that this awful Eye was to blame. And then Lady Penelope told me that it is an evil artifact made by a twisted deity from another universe!”

The words were pouring out of her. To Penny it seemed as though all her pent-up worries and sorrows were coming out all at once.

“She told you what?” Chieftain Swift Tail was looking at his mate in amazement.

“You heard me!” Lady Bright Coat cried and howled again. “Penelope and V’rex are not merchants—they are agents of the Kindred—sent to find this horrible Eye so that it could be destroyed before the evil entity who lives inside it can awaken and kill us all!”


