Super Cocky – Super in Love Read Online Jamie Knight

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 85
Estimated words: 80892 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 404(@200wpm)___ 324(@250wpm)___ 270(@300wpm)

“I’m sure she has, dear,” Tammy went on, oblivious. “And I’m sure you know I was a big help to your father, as well. Are you staying here while you’re in town? In the apartment upstairs? Or maybe with relatives?”

I groaned. Oh, God. She seriously wasn’t going to be satisfied until she found out Brady’s entire life story, was she?

I was curious about those things too, if I was being honest, but still… boundaries.

“Okay, Mom. Brady is pretty busy, and—”

“No, I’m booked for a few more days at the hotel up the road,” my boss answered her, seemingly oblivious to my attempt to save him. “I just… couldn’t bring myself to stay here at his place yet, and we—I—don’t have any family to speak of around here.”

Tammy gasped, looking as horrified as if Brady had just told her he’d been sleeping under a bridge. “That won’t do at all. I’d ask you to stay with me and Jo if I thought for a minute you’d accept.”

I felt my eyes bulge out of my head and noticed that Brady’s face flushed an even deeper shade of pink. Thank God.

Brady shook his head at the implied offer. If he’d even hinted that he might have taken her up on it, I had no doubt that my mother would have talked the man into staying in our spare bedroom for Lord only knows how long.

And that would have been… too much. On every level.

“That’s very kind of you, Tammy,” Brady demurred. “But I couldn’t.”

“You could,” she said, patting his cheek. “But I won’t push it. I do insist that you come over for dinner, though. It’s probably been way too long since you’ve had a good home-cooked meal. I just can’t stand the thought of you having to survive on fast food after everything you’ve been through.”

I had barely recovered from her last near-invitation, so I was caught completely off-guard by her suggestion of dinner. My brain went into full-on panic mode.

This is not happening. This whole day just can’t be happening.

“Mom, I don’t think—I mean, surely Brady has, um,” I swallowed hard as I looked from one face to the other, hoping that one of them would come to their senses and realize what a horrible idea it was for the three of us to sit down and have dinner together.

But my mom didn’t look bothered at all—why would she? She had no idea what the man planned on doing—and Brady actually had a hint of a very-sexy-but-not-going-to-notice-that smile on his face.

I blinked. Really? Was I really the only sane person left in the room? In the world?

“That’s really nice of you, Tammy” Brady said. He was nodding his head slowly in a way that could only mean one thing. And… yep. “You know, I think I’ll actually take you up on that offer. A real meal does sound pretty amazing, I have to admit.”

“Perfect,” Tammy clasped her hands together, nearly glowing with excitement. “Why don’t you plan on stopping by around six o’clock tonight? Jo will give you directions, won’t you, dear?”

I felt my heart sink as low as my stomach when they both turned to look at me, a couple of co-conspirators looking happy as clams. And even though I wanted nothing more than to call the whole thing off, to run screaming and yelling from the building, my traitorous mouth sealed the deal.

“Of course,” I nodded.

I thought about trying to fake a smile, but that was one step too far. I still couldn't believe I’d just agreed.

Maybe my mother had raised me to be too polite, or maybe I was still too surprised to come up with a good reason why dinner would be a bad idea. Whatever the case was, the time to object had come and gone. Brady and I had both said yes.

Dinner was happening.

“Wonderful,” Mom said with a sunny smile. “Well, I think my work here is done. I’ll see you both this evening.”

Brady actually looked happy as he waved goodbye. I, on the other hand, was trying my best not to throw up with nerves. I instantly regretted not having stopped the conversation sooner.

As soon as I’d seen my mother walk through the door, I should have just marched over and turned her right back around again.

I could have said we were too busy to talk, or that Brady was gone, or that the building was on fire, or something. Heck, I would’ve set the place on fire myself if I’d thought of it in time. Anything to avoid the train wreck that dinner with the man who seemed determined to tear apart my future was bound to be.

“Your mom seems really nice,” Brady said, grinning as he ducked back into the office. “I’m looking forward to tonight.”

I snorted. “Yeah. She’s great.”

I couldn’t bring myself to agree with the rest though. Which was a shame, really, since just twenty-four hours before, a night with Brady?


