The Duke and the Bold Lady (The Ravens #1) Read Online Olivia T. Bennet

Categories Genre: Historical Fiction Tags Authors: Series: The Ravens Series by Olivia T. Bennet

Total pages in book: 103
Estimated words: 94964 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 475(@200wpm)___ 380(@250wpm)___ 317(@300wpm)

* * *

Janice’s cheeks heated. “Well, that is nice to hear but I’m not sure she has any idea who I am.”

* * *

“And yet she likes you anyway. It is your gift.”

* * *

Her blush deepened and she turned away to hide her burning face. “You are extremely biased, that’s why you think that.”

* * *

“I am not.” He lifted his head to glare mockingly at her, “Madame, are you calling me a liar?”

* * *

She grinned. “Absolutely not sir. I would never.”

* * *

“Good. Well then you have no choice but to believe me.”

* * *

“I suppose.” Her cheeks hurt with how much she was smiling.

* * *

A knock on the door lifted the edge of the bubble they were in. Arthur sighed even as he called, “Enter.”

* * *

The door opened and a line of servants came in bearing a wooden tub, pails of hot water, and a tray of tea and sandwiches followed behind by Clotilda and Arthur’s valet.

* * *

“Good morning Your Graces,” Clotilda curtsied as the valet moved to the dressing table, laying out his shaving instruments.

* * *

Arthur and Janice exchanged glances. Whether they liked it or not, the morning had begun.


“Your Grace, may I offer my most sincere condolences on the death of your father.” The accountant, Mr. Greer, bowed quite properly.

* * *

Arthur was hard put not to sneer. “Trust me it is no loss.” He pointed to the bench, indicating that the accountant should sit.

* * *

The man looked around. “Your Grace,” he said hesitantly, “Is there nowhere more…private we might meet?”

* * *

Arthur inclined his head to the side. “Is it necessary?”

* * *

“I would say so, yes.”

* * *

Arthur sighed. “Very well then. I suppose we may go home to my Study. Just one question, however, is my mother acquainted with you?”

* * *

Mr. Greer’s eyebrows rose. “Her Grace was not in residence when His Grace secured my services.”

* * *

Arthur nodded. “Good. Let us go. My carriage is just outside.”

* * *

Mr. Greer nodded. “I have a horse with me. I shall follow you if I may.”

* * *

Arthur inclined his head. “That will be fine.”

* * *

He exited the tavern, a knot in his chest. He didn’t know why he was so unsettled but all he knew was that something was nagging at him as if the accountant’s news would not just be bad but devastating.

* * *

They arrived at the gates of Avebury manor to find them locked and nobody was around to open them.

* * *

That’s strange, Arthur thought as he alighted from his vehicle to peer through the bars. The courtyard was also empty of people. The coachman alighted and came to stand by him, a frown on his face.

* * *

“Where have they all gone?” he asked.

* * *

The pit in Arthur’s stomach deepened. “I don’t know. We must get the gate open. Do you have a key on you?”

* * *

The coachman shook his head. “I can try and see if I can enter through the service entrance.”

* * *

Arthur nodded. “Do that please.”

* * *

The accountant came to his side. “Is there some kind of problem?”

* * *

Arthur sighed. “Yes, we seem to be locked out and nobody’s about.”

* * *

“Does this happen often?” Mr. Greer frowned, giving Arthur a concerned look.

* * *

He shook his head. “Not as far as I know.”

* * *

Mr. Greer peered through the bars, sweeping the courtyard with his eyes. “It would seem they left in a hurry,” he said.

* * *

Arthur joined him at the bars, staring quizzically, trying to see what the accountant had seen. “What makes you say that?”

* * *

“Someone left their shoe in the middle of the path.” He pointed at a lone shoe lying face down a few feet from the gate.

* * *

Arthur’s frown deepened. What was going on?

* * *

He squinted, trying to see the coachman and wondering what was taking him so long. Suddenly, there was a shout and a thud, and then silence. Arthur tensed, waiting anxiously for someone to appear. He didn’t have to wait long before a man clad all in black emerged from the back of the house and began to make his way to the gate. He had a blunderbuss in hand and a kerchief covering his mouth and nose.

* * *

“What…?!?” Arthur took a step back in his surprise.

* * *

The man came to a stop a few feet from the gate, dark eyes shining. “Your Grace, forgive the inhospitable welcome. We were trying to keep out uninvited visitors.”

* * *

Arthur grasped the bars of the gate and shook it. “Who are you and what have you done with my family?”

* * *

“All in good time.” He gestured towards the lock, “I shall unlock that, and you will come quietly. Fail to obey my instructions and your wife and mother will suffer the consequences. Do you understand?”


