With This Ring Read online Georgia Le Carre

Categories Genre: Romance Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 92
Estimated words: 86947 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 435(@200wpm)___ 348(@250wpm)___ 290(@300wpm)

I tried to stop the call from going through, but Bianca had already picked up.

“Hey you.”

“Hey,” I croaked back.

“Are you alright?”

I tried to stabilize myself. “I’m fine. How are you?”

With an evil grin Maxim shoved two fingers inside me and I couldn’t sit still anymore. This call needed to end quick.

“I’m great,” she said happily. “Its Levan’s birthday today so I want to organize a little soiree with some intimate friends at the Lexington Avenue club. It’s one of the bars that their company owns.

“Oh... uhh … ah.”

Maxim sucked my clit into his mouth.

“Fuck,” I breathed and I was sure she heard me.


“I’m so sorry, Bianca. I stubbed my toe.”

“Oh dear. So can you make it?”

“Yes, oh God, yes, I mean … I’ll be, oh … be there. Please … mmmm … send me the addr—”

My words were cut off because Maxim had grabbed the phone from me and flung it away. I heard it smash hard against something.

I didn’t care.

He captured my mouth in a hot kiss, and slammed that massive cock of his straight into me.

Chapter Seventy


At 10 pm later that night, I walked into the Lexington Avenue club with a broken, but still working phone in my purse. The music was loud and the ground floor bar and dance floor was filled with hoards of people gyrating to the music.

Britney was with me. However, I was nervous about how Maxim and I would conduct ourselves in front of our friends who knew nothing beyond the fact that we were sworn enemies. Would we be able to maintain the facade or would our friends instantly be able to see right through us?

After placing a quick call to Bianca, we were invited up to one of the big glass cubes hanging above the dance floor. Of course, theirs would be a very private and exclusive gathering amongst the mayhem. Britney and I walked in to see Bianca, Levan, Aldie and a man I did not recognize, already seated and laughing uproariously at something.

Bianca gave me a hug and a kiss on the cheek, while Levan gave me a pleasant smile. Aldie squealed with excitement and instantly poured me a glass of rosé champagne, while I introduced her to Britney. I could see immediately that Aldie and Britney were going to become fast friends.

Levan introduced me to the man I didn’t know. Timothy Barnett, one of their company’s main attorneys. “Call me Tom,” he instructed.

He was dressed in a beige suit, his face was clean shaven, and his hair was slicked back from his face. He was handsome and imposing, almost flawlessly so.

“Maxim’s on his way,” Bianca said to me, her face filled with a mixture of guilt and devilish match-making. “I hope you don’t mind. He will be civil and decent, I swear.”

There was a twinkle in Levan’s eyes, I wondered if he knew what was going on.

“It’s alright,” I replied with a sage smile. I turned my attention to something else. “Happy birthday, Levan,” I said, handing over a pair of customized cufflinks that Britney and I had bought from a supplier we knew.

“Thank you, but you didn’t have to,” he said, and squeezed my shoulder in appreciation.

“I hear you make jewelry,” Tom said smoothly to me.

I turned to focus my attention on him. “Yes, Britney and I do.”

“Do you have a store, or a way I could buy from you?” he asked.

Britney instantly switched to business mode and preoccupied herself with selling our business. She was impressive. Without being pushy she gave him the details of our site.

“How fascinating,” he murmured. As they were sucked into a deep conversation I began to relax. Perhaps this night was going to be good after all.

“Oh good, here comes Maxim,” Bianca called gaily.

I felt my body become tense again.

Tom and Britney continued to speak, but I couldn’t hear a word they said any more. I leaned forward and grabbed my flute. Two men began to approach and I didn’t know where to look.

“Here he is,” the lawyer announced.

Pretending to be completely normal I turned and looked into the eyes of the man who had fucked me senseless just a few hours earlier. I felt the wind knocked out of me. He was dressed simply in a black shirt, grey slacks and highly polished black shoes, but the man himself always made simple look unattainable.

I instantly wanted him ... right there and then.

Almost everyone in the room stood up to receive him.

“Aldie," he said with a nod, and she nodded back, then threw a naughty, knowing glance at me.

Bianca went in for a hug.

And Levan and Tom just grinned at him.

Then Maxim turned to me.

“Freya,” he murmured.

I gave him a quick nod before lifting my glass to my lips. No one made a big deal out of anything and I was grateful for that. I did feel quite disappointed though when he took his seat beside Britney at the opposite end of the couch.


