Trapped In His Harem – Trapped and Punished Read Online S.E. Law

Categories Genre: Alpha Male, Erotic, Forbidden, Taboo Tags Authors:

Total pages in book: 30
Estimated words: 27763 (not accurate)
Estimated Reading Time in minutes: 139(@200wpm)___ 111(@250wpm)___ 93(@300wpm)

Meanwhile, Logan’s injuries have completely healed, thank goodness. I’m just grateful that there’s no long-term damage because I wouldn’t be able to live with myself otherwise. Logan only went to Ardsley for me, and for no other reason. Even better, we were able to retrieve every last of my erotic pictures, and I finally got them printed into a book. My man loves it. The album lives on his bedside table and I often catch him leafing through the pages while appreciating my beauty, studying each photo with hungry, avid eyes.

Still, I feel conflicted. After all, I was turned on during the kidnap, and this is confusing. I didn’t want any of the inmates to touch me, so why was my body betraying me like that? But my boyfriend has been understanding. He thinks that it was just a natural biological response. Seeing so many hard, heavy erections elicited an automatic, involuntary reflex in my form, and any woman would behave in the same way. It was self-protective, and I think he’s probably right. I’m not overthinking it anymore, and what’s important is that I’m back safely in Logan’s arms, and that an incident like that will never happen again.

Meanwhile, we’ve moved out of the mansion in Fairlawn. The estate wasn’t right for us anymore, and Logan’s used the opportunity to inform the remaining ladies that they’re expected to move out too. He hasn’t given them a deadline, but he’s made it clear that there’s no more gravy train to ride, and that the mansion’s going up for sale soon.

Mom was one of the first to depart, actually. With Logan’s financial assistance, Lily moved to Paris and as far as I know, is cozily ensconced in a small apartment in the Sixteenth Arrondissement. Good for her. Secretly, I’m just grateful Lily’s out of my hair because I’ve given up any hope of having a meaningful relationship with her. Instead, we’ve slipped back into how it’s always been between us: Mom living her life, and me living mine. Except, now, it’s not just me. Logan and I are intensely happy together, and our existence is utterly blissful.

After all, my man’s purchased a new home for us. It’s a beach house on the Jersey Shore, and before you knock the Jersey Shore, let me just say that the area gets a bad rap from reality TV shows, but that actually, the shore is a beautiful, magical place. Our new home is three stories tall with eight bedrooms, and we have a spit of sand all to ourselves. We spend lots of time making heady love in every room of the manor, and actually, I’m hoping to get pregnant soon. Having Logan’s baby in my belly would make me melt with happiness, and I know my boyfriend feels the same way.

But still, sometimes I wonder if he misses his old life. After all, not every guy out there has had the opportunity to have a harem at his disposal. I open my eyes and peek up at my man’s chiseled jawline, his long black lashes, and stubble-covered cheeks.

“Are you sad the harem is being dismantled?” I ask in a light tone.

“Hmmm?” he asks, half asleep.

“The harem,” I murmur. “Remember? The one you used to keep?”

Logan’s eyes open slowly, the blue as clear as ever.

“Sad? Why would I be sad?” he asks.

“Because,” I muse, tracing the lines of his pectoral muscles, “you enjoyed that lifestyle for such a long time. All those women at your beck and call. Isn’t it sad that it’s coming to an end?”

“No,” he rasps, pulling me closer. “I have you now. I’ve grown out of all that. But I suppose if I wanted to visit a harem, I could.”

I stare at him.

“What do you mean?”

He shrugs and grins my way.

“Harem life is still going strong, sweetheart. Just because I’m no longer indulging doesn’t mean that it doesn’t exist.”

“Oh really?” I ask with an arched brow.

My boyfriend shrugs, smirking a little.

“Yeah. You know my buddy Jake, right?”

“The one who’s a handsome asshole?” I ask.

Logan chuckles.

“Yeah, that one. Well, he has his own harem out in Closter.”

I sit up.

“No way!”

Logan merely smirks again.

“Yeah. In fact, I think some of the women who moved out of the Fairlawn mansion are now living with him.”

“Oh my god,” I gasp. “Holy cow. They joined another harem?”

“Yup,” confirms Logan. “At least, the women below twenty-five had the option. Jake’s such a dirty dog,” he adds with a chuckle. “Let’s just say he likes his women real young,” he explains. “Too young.”

I squint.

“But how in the world does he even find so many naïve young women? I mean, where does he hunt?”

Logan bites his lip before replying.

“I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but my understanding is that he fishes for victims at the local high school. He’s an English teacher at one of the private schools in Closter, and he admitted that he’s hit on girls there. Like I said, Jake’s a total asshole. Way worse than me. I’ve never stooped that low.”


